My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 556 So handsome, so handsome, so handsome!

Chapter 556 So handsome, so handsome, so handsome!
Although Hongyu is used to being the girl of the sky, she dared not show the slightest presumptuousness when facing the right prime minister in Zhongzhou, whose strength had reached the level of Lingzun.

If it was someone else, she would have already blown her hair by now.But facing Beixuanmo's provocation, she could only explain it well.

"Oh? Really?" Bei Xuanmo smiled slightly and asked, "Then, who is Mrs. Gu?"


Beixuanmo glanced at Hua Lixiao, showed a smile that turned all sentient beings upside down, and said, "Sure enough, it's the same as what I guessed next.

In fact, we came here just now, and this farce has only started not long ago, right?Because just now when I looked from this direction, Marshal Gu had already yelled at me, and I just happened to see the Eldest Princess and Mrs. Gu squeezing into the crowd from inside.Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know if what I'm saying is right? "

"Master Beixuan is right."

"Yes, Lord Beixuan, the Eldest Princess and Mrs. Gu just asked us to get out of the way before they came in."

Bei Xuanmo smiled slightly, and praised: "You are all kind and good girls. Thank you for your testimony."

The cheeks of several women turned red instantly.

So gentle!

very handsome!
It would be great if I could marry Master Beixuan.

"Marshal Gu, look, this matter is actually very simple. It's because someone doesn't like your aunt, so he wanted to take the opportunity to embarrass her. Unfortunately, we came so coincidentally that you misunderstood your wife.

In addition, some people deliberately instigated and wanted to kill two birds with one stone, so they described your wife as the kind of person who doesn't understand the general situation and would rather die than save her. "

Beixuanmo's merciless words made the face under the ruby ​​veil flush instantly.I wanted to refute, but I didn't dare.

However, Beixuanmo seemed to support Hua Lixiao to the end, and asked, "Princess, is what I said right?"

The princess was so worried that the situation she had arranged so hard was broken, and when she heard Beixuanmo's question, she quickly nodded gently: "Yes, that's true. Fortunately, Mrs. Beixuan stood up for Mrs. Gu, Otherwise, when encountering such a thing, I will have a hard time explaining it."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Gu Qianchou and said, "Marshal Gu, I blame me for this matter. It's because I didn't do a good job. It made everyone laugh. Please don't take it to heart."

"Qianqiu, it's true that Ningxin didn't do well in this matter. Not only did your aunt suffer, but also Xiaomei was almost wronged. But for Ningxin's kindness, why not? That's all for this matter!"

Gu Qianchou looked at Huangfu Gongchen, then at Huangfu Ningxin, and instantly understood what the father and daughter were thinking.

This is clearly to provoke the relationship between him and Hua Lixiao.

If this person were replaced by Hua Furui, Gu Qianchou might be happy to see the success.

But at this moment, an unknown fire sprang up inexplicably from the bottom of my heart.With a sneer, he said, "Maybe the eldest princess has good intentions, but the lowly maid who brought them in must be dealt with. As the person who works for the princess, she can't even tell who is the wife and who is the aunt. She lives in What's the point in the world?"

After hearing Gu Qianchou's words, everyone couldn't help their eyes twitching.

If you can't recognize your aunt, is it meaningless to live?
Huangfu's face was full of grievances, and he was about to say something nice for his maid, when Huangfu Gongchen spoke generously.

"It's natural. As a lowly servant girl, I can't even do my own job well. I dragged down all the maids in charge here and cut them off."

(End of this chapter)

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