My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 557 Accident Handling Method

Chapter 557 Accident Handling Method

Amidst the screams and begging for mercy of the maids, a wave of fine armored guards pushed all the maids away.

Huangfu Gongchen said with a smile: "I don't know who screwed up this matter, so I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go. Qian Qiu, knowing that you are a short-sighted person, has your anger subsided?"

"What about this woman?"

At this moment, after being knocked to the ground by Hongyu, after seeing this battle, the woman who had been frightened to the ground had already turned pale from crying, knelt down and begged for mercy, "Gu... Marshal Gu, please spare me This time. I...I really don't dare to do it again! Otherwise...or you can ask Aunt Hu to beat me up too!"

"Whose family are you the daughter of?" Huangfu Gongchen asked.

"My daughter... my daughter's name is Wu Xinwen, she is the daughter of Wu... Wu Yuzhen's family. Emperor, please..."

"Drag it down, cut it off. Abolish the cultivation of Wu Yuzhen and his nine clans, and demote them to common people." Huangfu Gongchen said mercilessly.

When Wu Xinwen heard this, her eyes widened wider than Tongling's.

Her father is a third-rank official of the imperial court!How can it be said that it is abolished?

No, what did the emperor say just now?Chopped... Chopped?
When Wu Xinwen heard it, she rolled her eyes.Before Jing Jiawei dragged her down, she was frightened and passed out.

Although Huangfu Gongchen looks like a spring breeze, everyone knows the cold blood that comes from the bottom of his bones.

Back then, as the left prime minister of Zhongzhou, he was sent to Xizhou by the emperor of Zhongzhou to become the emperor of Xizhou, so many people refused to accept him, but later, he used cruel means to eradicate them all one by one.

Huangfu Gongchen, a man with courage, strategy and artifice.He is a complete tyrant and a typical hero.

"Qianqiu, who else do you dislike?"

Seeing that Gu Qianchou didn't speak, Huangfu Gongchen raised the corners of his lips, with a calm expression on his face, and said something that made all the ladies present feel chilled and changed color.

"If you're really angry and can't concentrate on what you've done today, even though she's the eldest daughter of Xizhou Continent and my eldest daughter, I'm never partial."

The eldest princess's face was already pale with fright. She wanted to ask for mercy, but because of the majesty of the royal family, she dared not kneel down, and could only look at Gu Qianchou helplessly.

As long as he nods, her father will definitely kill her relatives today.

"The emperor is serious. After all, the eldest princess is your daughter. She doesn't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face. This matter will be exposed."

"Okay." Huangfu Gongchen finally smiled happily.

When he smiled, his eyes were curved, and he looked very elegant and approachable.

Who would have thought that he would be a tyrant who wouldn't even blink an eye to kill his own daughter?
"Ning Xin, why don't you thank Marshal Gu!"

The eldest princess's legs were trembling at the moment, after hearing Huangfu Gongchen's words, she hurriedly bowed to Gu Qianchou Yingying and said, "Thank you, Marshal Gu, for letting go of past suspicions. It's because I didn't do well today, and this will never happen again." It's over."

Gu Qianchou nodded, and said lightly: "I hope the princess can do what she says."

The eldest princess bowed again to show that she knew.

Hu Ziqi leaned against Gu Qianchou, although her expression was still weak and sad, her mood had already soared to the sky at this moment.

This is her man!
How could she not love such a man?

Although that bitch Hua Lixiao stayed out of the matter this time, but her man has strongly supported her in front of so many high-ranking dignitaries in Xizhou and Zhongzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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