My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 558 Free Air Conditioning and Heating

Chapter 558 Free Air Conditioning and Heating

Let these people know that she is Gu Qianchou's woman and her son is Gu Qianchou's son.No matter how humble and humble their origins are, they are existences that no one can afford to provoke.Even the princess may pay for her life for bullying them.

"Okay, it's almost time. Today is a good day for me to host a banquet for King Qi and Master Beixuan. Don't spoil everyone's interest just because of such a trivial matter."


All the noble ladies bowed their bodies one after another, and Tingting followed behind the dignitary.

Hua Lixiao, as Mrs. Gu, was by Gu Qianchou's side.In front of her was Bei Xuanmo, the Right Prime Minister of Zhongzhou who had helped her just now.

"Master Beixuan, thank you just now for saving me."

Hearing Hua Lixiao's voice, Beixuanmo turned around, paused, and walked beside Hua Lixiao with a smile.

"Madam Gu is being polite. I just happened to see the situation at that time and feel that Madam Gu should not suffer such an innocent disaster. It's just telling the truth. Madam Gu doesn't need to take it to heart."

Hua Lixiao nodded slightly to Beixuanmo and smiled.

Although Gu Qianchou didn't look sideways, his consciousness was inexplicably focused on Hua Lixiao.

Hua Lixiao's showy smile made Gu Qianchou's heart tremble slightly.

Never seen her smile.

When this woman faced him, she always had a look of disdain and disgust.After being married to the mansion for such a long time, what was shown in front of him was a face that was even colder than him.

I thought this woman couldn't laugh naturally.

Who knew that she smiled so brightly at Beixuanmo!

Hua Lixiao's smile dazzled Gu Qianchou's eyes. He felt that the woman's smile was like a gorgeous red plum blossom suddenly revealed after melting an iceberg. It was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off it!
Before Hua Yukun praised Hua Lixiao as the number one beauty in Xizhou in front of him and Huangfu Gongchen, but he still dismissed it.But at this moment, Gu Qianchou really felt this way.

Hua Lixiao didn't know that the polite smile she gave to Bie Xuanmo fell directly into Gu Qianchou's heart, took root and sprouted, and later completely occupied his cold heart.

But at this moment, Gu Qianchou himself didn't realize this, he just felt that Hua Lixiao's smile on others was dazzling.In an instant, he felt a sense of anger at being cuckolded.

After realizing this, the cold air on Gu Qianchou's body was released free of charge, making the air even colder.

He thought that after expressing his dissatisfaction with a silent protest, the unruly woman next to him and the lustful Prime Minister You could restrain himself a bit.

But he was wrong.

After Bei Xuanmo felt the cold air, he said in surprise like a shit stick: "Hey, why did it suddenly become cold?"

After speaking, he drew up his aura and radiated heat outward for free.

Gu Qianchou: ...! !

Hua Lixiao: ...! !

Can anyone tell her why the right side of her body is cold and the left side is hot?
I don't know if Beixuanmo deliberately wanted to provoke Gu Qianchou, or if the right prime minister of Zhongzhou really liked Hua Lixiao. When Huangfu Gongchen and Di Wudao frowned slightly, Beixuanmo continued Fanning the flames:
"When I first arrived in Xizhou, I heard that Mrs. Gu is the most beautiful woman in Xizhou. When I saw her today, she really lived up to her reputation."

(End of this chapter)

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