My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 573 Di Wushang's Feeding

Chapter 573 Di Wushang's Feeding
A spoonful of fragrant camellia enters the mouth, chews lightly, the smoothness of waxy and crispy mixes in the mouth, this is the taste that can only be tasted on the earth when I was a child, I did not expect to eat it here.

Ling Tian felt extremely satisfied, closed his eyes and savored slowly.

In the past month, because of his hand injury, Di Wushang took care of her meticulously.Ling Tian has also experienced a whole month of stretching out his hands for clothes and opening his mouth for food.

"Is it delicious?" Di Wushang asked expectantly.

"Yeah." Ling Tian nodded with a smile: "It's delicious."

There was an unstoppable smile on Di Wushang's lips.If his little Tianer is satisfied, he is satisfied.

"Di Wushang, you are so amazing, you can find such a remote place. But we have been flying for several days, so you didn't make a special trip to bring me here to eat this oil tea, did you?"

At this moment, Di Wushang had already fed her the second sip of camellia oleifera, and then said: "Look, there is an endless desert over there. This is the junction of Dongzhou and Beizhou. To travel between continental plates, you need to take a space teleportation array. Some of the better teleportation arrays are located in the bustling Central Continent, and generally require different amounts of blue spirit stones. Even the most common teleportation arrays are all set up in the capital of the dynasty. The price is also dozens of cyan spirit stones. Few people can afford such spirit stones.

And in some fringe areas, the dynasty will also hire some low-level inscription masters to take over those expired teleportation arrays and repair them.In this way, as long as there are enough yellow spirit stones, they can enter the teleportation array. "

Ling Tian looked at Di Wushang: "Why do you have to use the teleportation array? Could it be that the road between the mainland and the mainland is not smooth? Aren't many warriors able to walk with the sky?"

"The reason why Hunyuan Continent is divided into five sections is because there are boundless deserts and weak water forbidden areas between each section.

In the boundless desert, not only are the suns likely to appear alternately, making it impossible to determine the direction, but you will also encounter desert storms from time to time, and even encounter space distortion. The face disappeared and never came back.

In the center of the boundless desert, you will also encounter endless weak water forbidden lands.The Weak Water Forbidden Land has an almost weird power.Even if the strong spirit masters fly over the forbidden area, the suction of the weak water will cause them to lose half of their strength when they pass through the weak water area.It is almost impossible for masters below the Linghuang level to fly over the weak water forbidden area.

Even if it is not swallowed by the weak water at the beginning, after a month of leaping, it will fall into the weak water due to exhaustion.In weak water, even feathers cannot float, let alone people.

Therefore, those martial artists who want to cross the continental plate will almost always choose the teleportation array if they don't have a flying boat. "

Ling Tian was taken aback: "But we have flying boats!"

"Didn't you still owe a loan of nearly 2 credits? Borders are generally chaotic, and many bandits will wait here. The place where we are located is the most remote border in Dongzhou, and the bandits here are not strong. But they are all vicious. If you can find a way to wipe out all the bandits here, maybe you can get back a lot of points."

Ling Tian's eyes lit up, and his whole body cheered up.

(End of this chapter)

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