Chapter 574
In the past month, except for eating, she has spent almost all of it on cultivation.With the inexhaustible purple spirit stones, it takes almost half a month to upgrade.So her current strength has reached the fifth level of the alchemy stage, which is the fifth level of the Scarlet Spirit King.

She felt that it would not take much effort to defeat the top master of the Scarlet Spirit King with her own strength.

After eating, the two came to the location of the teleportation formation, which was already crowded with people.There are at least 3 people who want to go to the Beizhou continent through the teleportation array.

Except for the more than 1000 people who lined up, the rest of the people were all wandering outside.

"Why don't they line up?"

"Most people still can't afford the yellow spirit stone. In addition, the teleportation array is eliminated by the third-rate forces. It has passed the shelf life. I dare not carry too many people into it at once, so the queue is also in place. Inevitably."

Ling Tian understood instantly.

The place where the queue was lined up was guarded by the city guards of the Imperial Kingdom.As long as you pay enough spirit stones, the city guards will protect your safety.

However, in this empty land, most people do not have spirit stones, so they are not within the jurisdiction and protection of the city guards.

As soon as he walked over, Ling Tian saw a person being killed by another person, and then his valuables were confiscated by the person who killed him.

Not long after the dead man lay on the ground, he was dragged into a car and transported away.

Human life, on this continent where force is paramount, is worthless.Especially the East Continent, because there is no Emperor Dongzhou, the entire continent is divided up by the major forces in Central Continent, making it even more chaotic.

The moment Ling Tian and Di Wushang stood on the square, they immediately attracted the attention of countless people.The two are not only extraordinary in temperament, but also expensive in clothes.Especially when Di Wushang completely restrained his aura and released only the same powerful aura as Ling Tian, ​​the two of them looked like two fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

Almost as soon as he stood still, the one who found fault came up.

"Boy, I don't want to kill people. If you are the truth, give me all the spirit stones on your body, otherwise you will never get out of here alive."

The one who spoke was a burly man who was about the same size as Di Wushang, but not on the same level in terms of tonnage.

Ling Tian's eyes lit up, and he felt the strength of this person, but the Scarlet Spirit King was only at the seventh level.

She can kill the eighth-level elders of Yujianzong Chilingwang when she is only at the first level of the alchemy stage.Such scum, Ling Tian didn't even have the mood to pay attention to him in an instant.

It was even more impossible for Di Wushang to pay attention to people that Ling Tian didn't want to pay attention to. He patrolled around and dutifully helped Ling Tian find his prey.

Seeing that these two people didn't take him seriously at all, the burly man became angry.

"You two brats, it seems that you don't take me seriously. If that's the case, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

After all, he punched Ling Tian who was closest to him.

Ling Tian 168's figure looked petite and exquisite in front of him, extremely thin.

Just when the onlookers thought that this thin young man would definitely be punched into a pulp by the opponent, Ling Tian also moved.

There was only a difference of two levels, she didn't need to use other martial arts skills, she swung her powder fist and confronted the strong man directly.

The strong man's fist was more than twice as big as Ling Tian's. The two fists faced each other, and the onlookers could no longer describe Ling Tian's brutality with the four words of pebble hitting a rock.


(End of this chapter)

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