Chapter 576
"I am the peak of the eighth level of the Scarlet Spirit King. You should know that with your strength, you can't fight me no matter what! So I will give you three breaths, and hand over all the spirit stones on your body and the one you just defeated him. Practice exercises. Otherwise, die!"

Ling Tian felt that everyone in this world really likes to use force and doesn't like to use their brains.

She couldn't understand, the world is so big, and there are so many masters, why these people can always be self-centered when they face some people who don't know the details?

"Are these people all idiots? Don't they fear that one mountain is still higher?" Ling Tian couldn't help sending his secret voice to Di Wushang.

"They are not stupid. You are also a cultivator, and you should know how big the gap between each level is. The higher the level, the less likely it is to be able to leapfrog the enemy. So the opponent only needs to figure out your true strength, Then you will know if there is any way to handle you.

After all, those who can leapfrog against the enemy are generally third-rate forces and above. If you were really a third-rate force, you would not come to such a remote area and take such a cheap teleportation array. "

I see.She said why people in this continent always feel that their brains are not working well. It turns out that only third-rate strength has the skills to leapfrog the enemy.

When Ling Tian was talking with Di Wushang, that man was also counting down.

After counting, seeing Ling Tian still not moving, he punched him.

The eighth level has surpassed Ling Tian's third level, and she will be injured by the opponent's spiritual power if she faces it head-on.

At this moment, the man's fist was already rushing towards Ling Tian like a tiger. Although it was only the force of a punch, the fluctuation of the man's spiritual power blocked all of Ling Tian's exits.

Seeing that a punch was about to hit his heart, Ling Tian moved slightly.

Linglong Jue.

The fist almost brushed Ling Tian's clothes.

Ling Tian, ​​who had become a lamb to be slaughtered, at the last moment, while dodging with incredible dexterity, walked around behind the man and punched him in the back.

The power of breaking!


Even bones can't bear the power of this shattering force, let alone a fragile heart.

The man fell to the ground in pain, yelled, his body twitched a few times before he was out of breath.

Broken heart.

Although the man was dead, the shock frequency in his body still did not disappear.

After the heart shattered, the shock instantly swept through the whole body.Although the man was dead at this moment, his bones were still shattered into slag amidst the sound that made everyone's scalps tingle.

The butterfly flew out again, pulling out the man's soul and entering it into the universe bag.

Seeing that after Ling Tian killed someone, he didn't search for the dead man's belongings, so he knew that he was a rich and powerful master.When the two had already walked towards the central area from here, the crowd rushed forward, trying to take away the treasures of the two deceased.


Thinking of the group stampede that happened in Chen Guo last time, Ling Tian came back to his senses, and under the eyes of everyone who had nothing to love, he searched away the things on the two of them one by one, and then released two pill fires to kill the corpses. Burned.

Otherwise, after finally earning some points, this group of idiots would fight over grabbing things, wouldn't she lose a lot of points again?
"He turned out to be an alchemist at such a young age!"

"Still second grade!"

"The key is that he can leapfrog the enemy."

(End of this chapter)

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