Chapter 577

"Oh my god! These two...couldn't be from third-rate forces?"

Under everyone's resentful and shocked eyes, Ling Tian followed Di Wushang towards the middle position.

"Both young masters, are you leaving? 20 yellow spirit stones per person."

Ling Tian was taken aback: "Isn't it 30?"

"Hey, 30 is the official price. If you buy it from us, it's 20. How about it? It's a good deal, right? Two people can go for 40. As long as you have enough spirit stones, don't even think about it, just buy it Go to line up, it's your turn, just leave."

There was such a long line in front, and they had to pay spirit stones to enter the room. This person asked her to hand in spirit stones now. Isn't that clearly cheating money?
"Young master, don't listen to his nonsense, these people are liars."

Suddenly, a secret voice sounded in Ling Tian's ear.Ling Tian followed the prestige, and saw a man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes standing beside him holding a cute little girl of four or five years old.

Seeing Ling Tian looking towards him, the man quickly lowered his head, pretending not to know.

Ling Tian knew that the other party didn't want to cause trouble, so he quickly turned his eyes back, looked up and down the man with the wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes, and said with a sneer, "Young master looks like an idiot? It's not a good thing at first sight, get out of here !"

At this moment, what Ling Tian wants to do the most is to make trouble!Earn points!
I thought that after scolding this man, he would shoot himself.Unexpectedly, the other party just snorted coldly and left.


Ling Tian watched him leave helplessly, with deep reluctance in his heart.

"Di Wushang, didn't you say there are bandits here? Where are the bandits?"

"That person just now was a bandit."

"I'll go! Then why didn't he rob me?"

"I guess it depends on your wealth. Bandits here don't dare to bully rich people."


"You can see that they are cheating with great fanfare here, but the city guards don't care at all. It can be seen that they either have enough power behind them, or they have reached a consensus with the City Lord's Mansion.

You can see that there are spirit stones. If you are cheated, the City Lord's Mansion will not care.But if he died, caused some trouble, or was beaten by them, and then stopped taking the teleportation formation, wouldn't that make the city lord's mansion and the other side of the teleportation formation less income?

So for those who are really rich, if you are not fooled, they dare not do anything to you. "

"So that's it." Ling Tian was a little depressed: "I can't start a conflict, so I have to provoke them myself?"


"What are you doing? Do you still have Wang Fa?"

As soon as Ling Tian finished speaking, the crying of the little girl and the angry reprimand of the man could be heard not far away.

Ling Tian heard the man's voice just now, turned around and saw that the man who reminded her not to be deceived just now had injured his chest while clutching his chest.

And the four or five-year-old girl in his arms was in the hands of the bandit who tricked her into buying a ticket.

"Have you eaten the bear's heart and leopard's guts? You dare to pry our guests! Nosy without asking whose territory it is. Don't you know that meddlers generally don't live long?"

The man stared at the little girl in the hands of the bandits with tearful eyes. At this moment, she was being held in the hands without mercy, with a pale face.

"Let go of her, she is not in good health! Come to me if you have anything!"

(End of this chapter)

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