My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 578 Shameless

Chapter 578 Shameless

"Attacking you?" The bandit said unhappily: "What kind of onion are you? We lost two whole customers, why do you let us attack you? Attempt you, can you accompany us for 40 yellow Lingshi?

I've been wandering around here with my baby for a few days, don't think I don't know you're a poor man, young master!Come, come, come and tell me, how do you want us to attack you? "

The man threatened with red eyes: "If you dare to touch a single hair of her, even if you risk your life, I will fight with you forever!"

The bandit laughed unscrupulously: "Undead? Just rely on you? The fifth level of the Scarlet Spirit King? Do you dare to fight with me forever?"

The bandit who spoke was no more than the sixth level of the Scarlet Spirit King, and some of the onlookers were stronger than him, but everyone dared not speak out, and dared not help the man out.

Because this person looked like a bandit at the bottom, and above him, there were even greater forces, which were not something ordinary people could provoke.

"Then what are you going to do to let her go?"

The bandit sneered: "Kneel on the ground, kowtow to me three times before cutting yourself off, and I will let her go."

"Impossible! She only has me as a family member. If I die, she will be so weak that she won't be able to survive at all!"

"Untouchable! Do you think the young master is discussing with you? If you don't kill yourself, young master, I will kill you right now!"

"You try to kill them!"

Knowing that bandits are hateful, isn't there a right way to say it?Why are the bandits here so disgusting?A typical person who bullies the good and fears the evil, and is extremely vicious!
The bandit turned around, saw that it was Ling Tian, ​​and didn't give him a good look.

"Get out! Don't think that the young master dares not kill you!"

Holy crap, so arrogant!

Ling Tian sneered: "I won't leave, what do you dare to do? I will leave the words here. If anyone dares to touch the father and daughter's hair today, I will prevent him from seeing the sun tomorrow." !"

Majestic, right?
Atmospheric, right?
As long as this bandit's companion is so bloody, he probably won't let her go, right?
"Little brother, he is my brother, not my father, you are wrong!"

Ling Tian was feeling overwhelmed by his imposing manner, when the little girl's soft voice came over.

Perhaps Ling Tian's threat reassured the little girl, so she stopped crying and blinked at her with a pair of black grape-like eyes.

Ling Tian: ...=_=! !
Three black lines fell from his forehead, and even Di Wushang beside him couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.

His little Tianer really can encounter any kind of weird things.

Seeing her pretending to be incompetent, Di Wushang couldn't help but laugh.

"Stinky boy, you're shameless, aren't you?"

"You are shameless. You cheated me of money, and he helped me. That is my benefactor. I will count to three. You put this girl down, then give him three bangs, and then kill yourself. This matter, Grandpa, I can just let it go."

Ling Tian amused the bandits with an appearance of "I want to make trouble".

"Hahahaha..." As if hearing a big joke, the bandit man laughed wildly in an instant.

"Come, come, you are a waste of the fifth level of the Scarlet Spirit King, let me see how you plan to kill me!"

After that, he lifted the girl up and shook it in his hand, which made the girl's lips tightly closed in fright, and her big eyes were full of pitiful sadness.

"Three two one!"

When Ling Tian spoke, there was no pause in his voice.In less than a second, three beeps were counted.

(End of this chapter)

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