My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 584 How Many Spirit Beasts Do You Have? !

Chapter 584 How Many Spirit Beasts Do You Have? !
The master of the Shaofu's face was ashen, and he looked at Ling Tian with a ferocious face.

The daze just now almost cost him his life.

"I really underestimated you. I thought you were just an ant at the fifth level of the Scarlet Spirit King, but I didn't expect you to hide your strength."

After finishing speaking with a sneer, the Young Palace Master's face froze again.

"No! Even if you are at the level of the Orange Spirit King, you can only hide the fourth level at most. How can you only have the strength of the fifth level? You..."

"Little brother, you have the skills to kill the enemy by leapfrogging! Just now the city lord saw that you were already in a losing position, but your figure moved to the back of my son in an instant, and even the city lord couldn't see clearly Your moving figure, so this technique must be a technique to kill the enemy by leapfrogging. Who are you? Which third-rate force do you come from?"

A middle-aged man who looked very similar to the Young Palace Master walked in, and when he saw Ling Tian, ​​a meaningful expression appeared on his face.

"What? You must have a third-rate force to have the skill of leapfrogging the enemy? First-rate forces can't do it? Let me tell you, I am from a super-first-rate force."

The Palace Master and Young Palace Master laughed when they heard this.

"Father, this man must have been lucky enough to inherit the martial skill of leapfrogging the enemy. As long as we kill him and take his ring, this martial skill will be ours."

The mayor nodded.

"Father, his skills are weird, his son may not be his opponent, why don't you come here."

The city lord nodded and looked at Ling Tian: "As long as you surrender your martial skills obediently, the city lord will keep your whole body."

Ling Tian sneered, and said a sentence that people in this world like to say most: "As long as you kneel down and kowtow 100 times to this young master, and then swing your knife to kill yourself, this young master will keep your whole body."

"act recklessly!"

The city lord's face sank, and he slapped Ling Tian with his palm.

Suddenly, a white light shot out from between Ling Tian's eyebrows, just as the city lord's hand was about to slap Ling Tian's body——




Ling Tian was still standing there, but the city lord flew upside down and landed on the ground, splashing dust all over the place.

Between Ling Tian and the city lord, stood a small white tiger with a very dazzling coat color.

The little tiger has now grown from the size of two palms to a length of one and a half feet. It is astonishingly Xiao Bai who has not been let out by Ling Tian for a long time.

Suddenly, there was a deathly silence at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

The city guards stared at their city lord with wide eyes.

At this moment, the most powerful city lord in their city was knocked down by the one-foot-long little tiger, leaving only one arm.

And his right arm holding the sword has already turned into a puddle of blood mist under the impact of this little white tiger.

The city lord's eyes widened, even though his arm was in pain, he didn't dare to say a word.

After the collision just now, he could clearly feel that this cub, which had not yet grown up, was several times stronger than him.

"You... your contracted beast is clearly a vulture of the Orange Spirit King's primary level. How could it be possible that a white tiger has emerged now?"

The young city master was so frightened by Ling Tian's hand that his eyes were tearing apart.

The most powerful person in the whole city is his father, but his father can't get out even a move in the hands of this white tiger.

What does this... represent?
"You care about so much. Come on, let me show you your level-[-] strength as the Orange Spirit King!"

(End of this chapter)

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