My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 585 Killing the Young Palace Master

Chapter 585 Killing the Young Palace Master

After all, Ling Tian ignored the stunned City Master and launched an attack on the Young Palace Master.

The Young Palace Master stared, not daring to be negligent, and also flew up.

Seeing that the swords of the two were about to meet——

Soul attack.

A needle pierced into the head of the Young Palace Master again, causing his head to sink again.When he opened his eyes, he found that Ling Tian had disappeared again.

He reflexively turned around and slashed back with his sword, but there was already a sharp pain in his crotch.

This time Ling Tian didn't use teleportation, she just used the Spirit Dragon Art in the Shenlong Battle to quickly fold her figure.Let the Young Palace Master habitually think that she is behind him again at the moment when he finds out that she is missing.


Looking at his son who was split in half from the crotch under Ling Tian's sword, the city lord let out a mournful cry and looked at Ling Tian with hatred.

"You... you actually killed my son!"

"Well. He deserves it!"

The city lord was suffocated by Ling Tian's indifferent nod.

"That's my only son! It's my only blood!" the city lord roared angrily.

"Since it's the only bloodline, you should stay obediently in the city lord's mansion and be a gangster waiting to die. Why do you want to be a bandit leader like others? Don't you know that you will have to pay back sooner or later when you come out to play?" ?
Could it be that you are allowed to kill others, and you are allowed to regard human life as worthless, but you are not allowed to kill your son?Let me tell you, in my eyes, my young master, your son, including you, is an ant that I can trample on! "

"Haha, hahahaha..."

The city lord suddenly laughed wildly, and when Ling Tian was about to get impatient, he suddenly shouted: "Hang them up!"

As soon as the voice fell, two people were hoisted out of the city tower.

Of these two people, one is Wang Qi and the other is Wang Xiaoyu.

"Now the city lord has been abolished by you, and the only bloodline has been cut off by you. The city lord admits that he can't fight you. But, hahahaha... these two people are your friends? Their spiritual power has been taken away by the city lord. The seal master. If you fall from such a high place, you will definitely be killed.

This city lord wants to see, you are so powerful, you have white tigers and vultures, but in the face of so many city guards, what method do you use to kill me, an ant, and save them at the same time! "

As soon as the words fell, thousands of city guards surrounded Ling Tian tightly. Even if there were her, Xiao Bai and Xiao Tu, it seemed that Wang Qi, brother and sister would surely die.

"Throw it down!"

After the city lord's voice fell, he rushed towards Ling Tian, ​​Xiao Bai rushed over immediately, bit his other arm, and tore it apart with a "tear" sound.

At the same time, the two brothers and sister Wang Qi were thrown down and fell downward at the speed of free fall.

The city guards kept staring at Ling Tian, ​​guarding against her other spirit beast.

However, it hasn't been.

Until the city guards felt that the two brothers and sisters should have landed, but turned their heads without hearing any sound, they saw that a man and a woman had already untied the two brothers and sister Wang Qi, and released the shackles on them. seal.Then it turned into a ray of light and entered Ling Tian's body.

In fact, Xu Yi and A Xiang just entered the Qiankun bag, but in the eyes of the city lord, this is not the case.

"You... you... who the hell are you? How could you contract two spirit beasts and two phantoms? How could you contract a phantom of the Holy Spirit level with the mere strength of the Scarlet Spirit King?"

(End of this chapter)

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