My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 590 Calculating Ling Tian

Chapter 590 Calculating Ling Tian
Seeing that the service concept of this VIP room is not bad, Ling Tian felt that the 400 spirit stones were not in vain.

"My lord, Xiao Yu and I will feel sorry for you."

They had already wasted Ling Tian's 40 spirit stones, but now they used 260 of them. For the brothers and sisters who depended on each other, it was a huge sum of money.

Ling Tian patted Wang Qi's shoulder to calm him down.

She has decided that since Wang Qi and Xiao Yu's grandfathers were once the chief stewards of the Dongzhou Imperial Palace, she will also train Wang Qi and Xiao Yu in the future.She believed that the two of them, brother and sister, would also be able to help her with the logistics.

"This young man in white is a fat sheep, he will slaughter it casually when he gets in the car."

"Can it be better than Guanye Liu?"

"Officer Liu is an ass in front of him. According to my visual inspection, there are at least thousands of spirit stones in his ring, maybe even tens of thousands."


"How is it impossible? I have met those brothers and sisters before. They have been wandering here for a long time just to earn spirit stones. But today he helped the young master, and he fell in love with him.

It's just a handyman, and the young master bought him a ticket for a special seat. Do you think she would be willing to spend 260 yellow spirit stones on these two if she didn't have a net worth of tens of thousands?I even suspect that this son might have a lot of green spirit stones on him! "

"Okay, I see. Thank you."

"It should be, let's make money together!"

At the door, Di Wushang could clearly hear the conversation between the city guard who brought them in and another person far away.

"Little Tian'er, you will be in the teleportation array later, and you will gain points again."

Although Ling Tian didn't hear the conversation between the two, how could she, who is a ghost, not know what Di Wushang was talking about.

So, Ling Tian showed a big smile to Emperor Wushang.

After waiting for a while, the teleportation array finally opened.

The man who had communicated with the city guard hurriedly stood at another door of the house, and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, the teleportation array will be opened soon. Please line up and enter one by one. Young master, please go first."

Seeing that man bowing his waist to show favor to him, Ling Tian, ​​a fat sheep, did his part.

The door opened, just like the passage of an airplane, and this room was directly connected to the carriages of the teleportation array.

Ling Tian walked in, and the layout of the compartment of the teleportation array was basically the same as that of the room just now.There are tea tables, chairs, and some low-level exercises that can be browsed, as well as the cultural landscape of Beizhou mainland.

The carriage they are in is very spacious, and now only 20 people are seated in the seats for 14 people.But the rear compartment is not so much better.A carriage of the same size needs to squeeze 60 people.Most of them don't have space rings, but they also carry a lot of baggage.There was endless shouting and scolding.

Half an hour later, the teleportation array was closed, and the people at the head of the array were running their spiritual power, so that everyone could hear what he said clearly.

"Everyone, welcome to take the teleportation array. This teleportation array lasted a total of two months, and the destination is the Immortal Palace on the edge of the Yanyun Empire under the Qinglong Empire under the command of the Divine Beast Dynasty.

Although the Sanctuary Immortal Palace is located in a remote place, it is the sect directly in charge of the Divine Beast Dynasty.If the four great empires of Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu belonged to the first-rate forces under the command of the Divine Beast Dynasty, then the Hermit Immortal Palace was a second-rate force.

(End of this chapter)

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