Chapter 591
Qi Mu, the lord of the Reclusive Immortal Palace, is a master at the peak level of Huang Lingsheng.There are 6 Supreme Elders in the sect who are shoulder to shoulder with the Palace Master's strength, and there are 10 elders and 3 deputy suzerains, all of whom have reached the seventh level of Huang Lingsheng or above.There are 3750 disciples in the sect, and it is a second-rate large sect under the command of the Divine Beast Dynasty.The Reclusive Immortal Palace welcomes warriors under the age of 50 and whose strength is above the fifth level of the Scarlet Spirit King to join.

Everyone is very lucky to be able to sit on this teleportation array.Because I am Shen Shen, the only inscription master of the Reclusive Immortal Palace.Responsible for the security of all teleportation formations.Afterwards, our disciples from the Recluse Asgard will explain to you the requirements for taking the teleportation array. "

After listening to the introduction about the Sanctuary Immortal Palace, Ling Tian took out a few purple spirit stones in his hand, closed his eyes, and began to meditate seriously.

After knowing her life experience, although she didn't ask Di Wushang anything about her father Ling Xiao and mother Bai Yunjian, she made a vow in her heart.

She must cultivate to the highest level in the shortest possible time to avenge her parents and the millions of iron-blooded soldiers in the entire East Continent.

Seeing that the Wang Qi brothers and sisters were attracted by the low-level exercises in the carriage, Di Wushang simply took out two books suitable for their current practice and showed them to them.

Although the aura of the purple spirit stone was strong, the other people in the carriage did not feel it due to the barrier set up by Di Wushang.

Everyone is a martial artist, seeing Ling Tian meditating and practicing, they also carefully squeezed out yellow spirit stones and began to meditate seriously.

For a while, everyone in the entire compartment of the special class seat lived in peace.

Ten days passed in a flash, and the journey was one-sixth of the way.Suddenly, there was a sudden brake, and there were voices of abuse one after another in several carriages.

In the special-class carriage, except for Ling Tian and Wang Qi brothers and sisters who were immobilized by Di Wushang and did not even move, the other 10 VIPs were thrown to the ground one after another.For a while, I was in a panic.

Ling Tian opened his eyes, looked at the person who fell to the ground, and asked, "What's going on?"

Suddenly, the door of the stateroom was opened, and then countless people from other compartments also rushed in.

The man who led them into the special compartment of the Immortal Palace of the Recluse explained to Ling Tian and the others with a pale face:

"'s not good. Everyone, I'm really sorry, I encountered bandits. They found a gap in our teleportation array and forced our carriage to stop. At this moment..."

This person was explaining that five men wearing black scarves had rushed in from the outside and stood in the second carriage, staring at everyone.

"Listen to me, everyone in the compartment. If you don't want to die, you can hand over 20 yellow spirit stones each. For those in the special compartment, each hand over 80 yellow spirit stones, and you can pass here smoothly. Otherwise , Don’t blame the uncle for being rude.”

All the passengers were outraged.

A martial artist shouted: "Our spirit stones have been handed over to the people of the City Lord's Mansion, where are the spirit stones now!"

"Without spirit stones, what are you doing alive?"

Before the bandit finished speaking, he raised his knife and cut the man who spoke in half with his spiritual power.

The rich orange spiritual power circulated in his palm, causing the expressions of the passengers on the teleportation array to change.

The strength of this man has almost reached the strength of the Palace Lord of the Palace of the City Lord of the Imperial Kingdom.Where can these people deal with them?

(End of this chapter)

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