My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 598 Destruction Teleportation Array

Chapter 598 Destruction Teleportation Array
"Are you going to kill someone, and let them kowtow to you? Anyone with a good mind would rather blow himself up and leave nothing for you, than give things to you, kowtow to you, and die in the end Is it strong?"

Suddenly, a man's arrogant laughter sounded outside the teleportation array.

After the words fell, several laughs followed one after another.

Then, in the horror of everyone, only a loud "boom" was heard, and the entire teleportation array was completely smashed from the outside.

Immediately afterwards, the teleporter in the teleportation array was blasted out of a big hole.

The scorching sun instantly shone on the somewhat dark interior of the carriage, and as far as the eye could see, there was endless rolling yellow sand outside.

"Who? Who blasted the teleportation array like this?"

The only inscription master in the Eternal World Immortal Palace saw such a big hole in the teleportation formation. After a year or a half, he couldn't even try to repair it, so he felt bad and rushed out from the front of the formation.

As a result, just after rushing out, a yellow light gushed out from outside.


The "bandit leader" who was wearing a mask and originally wanted to kill Ling Tian shouted loudly, and flew to meet the yellow light.In an instant, the entire carriage was affected by these two powerful shock waves. Except for Ling Tian and the others who remained motionless under the protection of Di Wushang, everyone flew backwards one after another.

At the same time as the two yellow rays of light met each other, another yellow light suddenly appeared and attacked the inscription master.


The masked bandit leader yelled again, but he was at his wits end.

The inscription master Shen Shen died just like that.

A masked bandit leader and an attack from the desert are at hand.

Looking at Shen Shen who was already dead in the carriage, the masked bandit leader's eyes flickered with Shen Shen's murderous intent.

" actually killed the only inscription master in our Reclusive Immortal Palace!!!" Zhu Xiaoli's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

You know, the fundamental reason why their Recluse Immortal Palace was able to grow bigger and bigger, with more and more masters, and from a sect under the imperial kingdom to a sect directly under the dynasty, was because the suzerain was kind to Shen Chen, And Shen Chen also thought about the suzerain's life-saving grace, and repaired the teleportation array left by a third-rate force.

However, now that the teleportation array is destroyed, even the inscription master is dead.What this means is self-evident.

"Yo, I never thought that the leader of the bandit would run to rescue the inscription master of the Reclusive Immortal Palace regardless of his own safety at the critical moment. You really match black and white, and you are not tired of working. It is not that after every robbery, the bandits will return to you." Will you get a share of the Hermit Immortal Palace?"

Seeing this situation, Ling Tian hurriedly took advantage of the fire to loot, and the faces of the gang of the Sanctuary Immortal Palace instantly turned livid.

"Ah bah! Is he a bandit? What kind of bandit is he? It's clear that the elders and disciples of the Immortal Palace want to take advantage of the fire and rob him. Do you think you're a bandit if you cover your face?"

After the people outside the desert finished speaking, suddenly, two yellow beams of light attacked the bandit leader at the same time. The bandit leader turned pale with fright and stretched out his hand to block it again.

Although he is also Huang Lingsheng, he is vulnerable to the attacks of two other Lingsheng who are at the same level as him.

The body was sent flying, and after crashing into the carriage behind, the black scarf on the bandit leader's head was also completely shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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