My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 599 Killed You Gang of Pseudo-Bandits

Chapter 599 Killed You Gang of Pseudo-Bandits
This is a person who looks quite upright. Even though he was injured and fell to the ground at the moment, he was a little bit embarrassed, but he still had the spirit of a fairy.

"Guan Muqing, you are really despicable in the Immortal Palace of Recluse. You opened the teleportation array yourself, and opened up a dock halfway, pretending to rob your own customers, not to mention, you dare to pretend to be my five bandits in Xiaoling in the Boundless Desert. Lao Tzu I have been following you for a long time, so you are really not unlucky!"

As soon as the words fell, five bandits with faint yellow spiritual energy all over their body came in ferociously, frightening the group of people from the Sanctuary Immortal Palace and the injured elder to huddle in the corner, not daring to move.

"Although we Xiaoling Five Bandits are bandits, we are thieves, and we will never destroy the teleportation array. We are all afraid that once the teleportation array is destroyed, an important teleportation point in Dongzhou and Beizhou will disappear.

But what about you?Once you go to the teleportation array, you will open two gaps. If you are lucky, you will only be robbed once. If you are unlucky, you will be robbed twice.If you don't squeeze the money out of the passengers, you won't let them go at all.

You not only guard and steal yourself, but also slander us Xiaoling five bandits.It is simply unreasonable! "

"Then... what do you want now?" Guan Muqing coughed twice, then spit out another mouthful of blood, his eyes full of fear.

I thought there were only two Huang Lingshengs on the other side, but now there were five of them. Even if he flattered him, he couldn't match the strength of the other party.

"How?" Suddenly, the bandit laughed loudly.

"Since the teleportation array has been destroyed, what do you think we will do?"

After all, he waved his hand and chopped it down with a palm.

Guan Muqing was shocked and quickly reached out to resist.But he could barely resist the attack of the leader, but he couldn't resist the attacks of others.


There was a dull bang, and the ground of the carriage suddenly collapsed.In the collapsed ground, Guan Muqing's body was blasted into a pulp.

"Ten Elders (Master)!"

Zhu Xiaoli and the "bandits" who were still wearing black scarves on their heads and trying to rob them gave a sad shout.

" dare to kill the ten elders of my Sanctuary Immortal Palace! Our Palace Master will never let you go!" Zhu Xiao said viciously.

"Yes, unless you let us go, our palace lord will definitely destroy your bandit den!" Several other disciples of the Sanctuary Immortal Palace also tore off their headscarves one after another, threatening with red eyes.

"Hahahaha..." The bandit laughed unscrupulously.

"A group of ignorant idiots! We Xiaoling five bandits destroyed your teleportation formation, killed your ten elders, and even killed that inscription master. Do you think that your palace master will see that I have spared you In the case of a dog's life, can you turn the fight with my desert geek into a friendship?"

"Third, what are you doing talking so much nonsense with these idiots?"

"yes, Sir."

After all, the youngest waved his palm, and Zhu Xiaoli and the others were blasted to pieces before they could even scream.

The people in the Immortal Palace of Recluse have all died, and the teleportation array has also been destroyed.All the passengers in a train were dumbfounded.

Without the teleportation array, how would they go to Beizhou?
However, in the face of the vicious bandits, the passengers dared not speak out, and kept their sense of existence to a minimum.

After killing a group of people from the Recluse Immortal Palace, the bandits looked at the passengers in the carriage again.

(End of this chapter)

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