My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 600 Don't Get on My Spaceship

Chapter 600 Don't Get on My Spaceship
The bandits grinned and said, "Robbery! Anyway, you can't leave the desert now. Now, bring all your rings, bags, and all valuable things here. Whoever dares to take less, these people will be your fate." !"

The passengers were terrified.

Even the elders and disciples of the Recluse Immortal Palace at the level of Huang Lingsheng were all wiped out by these bandits, let alone them.

Although the depression and fear reached a certain level, everyone did not dare to have the slightest complaint. Under the eyes of the bandits, they obediently handed over all their belongings.

When it was someone's turn, he clutched his fingers in horror, unwilling to turn in the things.

When his eyes fell on Ling Tian, ​​he suddenly said boldly: "You...don't be too arrogant, there are experts in our carriage."

After his words fell, everyone looked at Ling Tian and their eyes lit up.

"Yes, there are masters in our carriage."

"The people of the Immortal Palace who have escaped from the world are worthy of death, but if you continue to go your own way, the masters in our carriage will not let you go."

"That's right! His contracted beast, the disciple of the Recluse Immortal Palace, is no match for a single blow, so you'd better beat him first."


"Yes, let's talk after we win!"

Hearing these passengers' words, Ling Tian was completely happy.

"They're talking about you? A warrior of the sixth level of the Scarlet Spirit King?" the bandit leader asked in disbelief.

However, in the face of the bandit leader's questioning, Ling Tian ignored him at all.

Then, in front of everyone, Ling Tian suddenly took out a large flying boat from the space ring, which could carry more than 200 people.

The eyes of the passengers suddenly lit up.

"Flying boat!"

"My God, it turned out to be a flying boat!"

"It is said that people with first-class influence can have a flying boat, right? He actually has a flying boat!"

"I didn't expect this son to be a person from a first-class influence. No wonder he is extremely expensive at first glance."

"It's really great! There is no unparalleled road!"

The moment the passengers saw the flying boat, they completely forgot about the unpleasant things that happened between themselves and Ling Tian, ​​and eagerly picked up their things, ready to board the flying boat.

"The flying boat is many times better than the teleportation array."

"If you have a flying boat, you won't be afraid of the boundless desert and the weak water forbidden land at all."

"You bandits, hurry up and leave. This young master is a strong man with a first-class influence. If you don't leave, you will end up just like them."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Everyone laughed. Amid the shock and apprehension of the bandits, they picked up the baggage and rings they had handed in, and walked towards Ling Tian, ​​ready to board the flying boat.

However, seeing that there was only three meters away from the entrance of the flying boat, everyone couldn't take another step forward.

"Who told you to get on the flying boat? This is my young master's flying boat!" Ling Tian sneered.

"But your flying boat is so big, it can easily accommodate so many of us. Wouldn't you rather watch so many of us trapped and die in the boundless desert than do a little favor?" A passenger was confident , and even asked a little angrily.

"So have you forgotten the time when you betrayed me mercilessly? Or did you forget that I helped you kill the pretended bandits in the Immortal Palace, but you all stood by Master Zhu Xiaoli and accused me? gone?"

(End of this chapter)

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