My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 601 Why are you young like this?

Chapter 601 Why are you young like this?

Facing Ling Tian's accusation, everyone turned pale.

"But after all, we don't have a life-and-death enmity. Now that foreign enemies are in power and we are all tourists, shouldn't we share the same hatred? Why can't you help me, my lord?"

"Same hatred? I don't think I have any hatred with them. What's more, I am convenient for you, who is convenient for me?"

Ling Tian sneered: "If you want convenience, that's fine. I'll give you a chance. You have to pay 30 yellow spirit stones to take the second-hand teleportation array that no one owns. The airship needs 600 blue spirit stones to cross the continent. I will not raise the price by sitting on the ground, if any of you can afford such a price, I will let you sit."

As soon as the voice fell, the passengers exploded in an instant.

"Why are you so young?"

"That's right, knowing that we have no money, we can't even afford the first-class seats in this teleportation array. How can there be 600 spirit stones? And they are blue! Doesn't that mean we have to pay 6 million yellow spirit stones?" ?”

"That's right, what's the difference between this and not letting us board the spaceship?"

Ling Tian sneered: "Yes, there is no difference, there is no difference at all. I just made it clear that you will not be allowed on the flying boat!
Don't you need to spend 600 blue spirit stones to get on the airship in the central continent of Dongzhou?Are you telling others that if you have no money, you can confidently land on the spaceship of the first-class power in the Central Continent?
You guys are so good, you can get on the flying boat just by saying a word, why don't you go to the sky to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun, instead you come to this remote place to sit in this poor-quality teleportation array?Not having money is not a reason, and not having money is not an excuse for you to criticize me. "

"You, who won't encounter difficulties? In the future, when you encounter difficulties and others treat you like this, how will you feel?"

"My feeling is to fuck you! But this feeling, haven't you guys asked me to try it several times just now? If I really have nothing to rely on, then after I help you kill those bandits, Have I already been betrayed to death by you? Have any of you ever thought about my feelings?"

"But even if we don't betray you, the people in their Immortal Palace will betray you."

"Oh, so, you just sold me out in the first place before anyone in the Immortal Hermit's Palace testified against me? You betrayed me, and you still want to take my flying boat? I You guys are out of your minds, right? I really don’t know where your righteousness comes from. Let’s make a fool of yourself, believe it or not, I’ll kill you?”

The Hunyuan Continent is a continent where fists are respected, and this has also formed the habit of countless people bullying the good and fearing the evil.

Seeing Ling Tian's sway now, everyone dared not speak.

"Old man, thank you for standing by my side just now, you can board my flying boat."

Ling Tian's words brightened the eyes of the old man who had already been overwhelmed by the crowd, but then he said with some embarrassment: "But son, I only have 15 blue spirit stones on me."

"It doesn't matter, I don't need money, anyway, my flying boat is big, and I happen to be going to Beizhou, so I will drop you off."

The old man's eyes lit up again: "Then...then thank you for saving my life, sir!"

Although I feel embarrassed, staying in this desert is death.So the old man boarded the flying boat under the envious eyes of everyone.

(seeking hot and sour powder flavor monthly ticket and recommendation ticket)

(End of this chapter)

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