Chapter 604

"You can call me Eldest Young Master and Second Young Master." Di Wushang said, "As for who we are, I have no way to tell you for the time being."

"Then... can we trust you?" the bandit surnamed Cui asked.

"It's absolutely fine." Di Wushang nodded.

When saying these words, Di Wushang and Ling Tian had absolutely no intention of avoiding Wang Qi and Wang Xiaoyu.It also made the two brothers and sisters reconfirmed that the Ling family brothers were indeed people who used to be close to Emperor Dongzhou.

Di Wushang asked: "You didn't go to the battlefield, what did you do?"

Facing Di Wushang's inquiry, Xiao Cui's lips were tightly closed, and he said after a long time: "Sorry, we can't say anything until we confirm your identities."

"Although I can't tell you my identity, I can roughly guess what you were sent out for. If your guess is correct, you should have been sent out to find the whereabouts of the Demon Sealing Tablet."

Seeing the shock in the eyes of the five people, Di Wushang confirmed his guess.

"Back then, he sent seven teams to search for it, but until the final battle, none of them came back. Which team are you?"

"We are the seventh team."

After all, Xiao Cui and the other four companions immediately knelt down for him after confirming that Di Wushang was indeed close to Emperor Dongzhou.

Because very few people knew about it at the beginning.They remembered that when the emperor ordered this matter, only he himself, the empress and Prince Yong were present.

If this person is not a trustworthy person around the emperor, he will definitely not know about it.

"At that time, there was a traitor in the team. Soon after our people went out, they were killed by the traitor. The subordinate and nine other companions received the news about the demon sealing tablet five days before the incident, and were killed by the traitor. The captain sent out to look for it.

After we got useful information, we were about to go back to the city, but we saw an emergency signal from the captain.Then we split into two groups, five of us went back to investigate the news, and the remaining five, that is, us, waited at the agreed place.

However, we waited for three full days, but our companions did not come out to join us.We wanted to go back to Dongzhou to tell the emperor about this, but when we traveled thousands of miles and managed to avoid being chased and returned to the imperial capital, we heard that monsters were coming, and the emperor had already personally conscripted us.

We went to the battlefield again, but we found that it was blocked by strange soldiers a million kilometers away from the battlefield.

It wasn't until the news of Emperor Dongzhou's fall spread that we came back here and continued to investigate the news about the Monument of Sealing Demons. "

There was a touch of desolation in the eyes under Di Wushang's mask, and he asked in a hoarse voice: "Have you found it?"

"Yeah." Xiao Cui nodded.

"For the past 20 years, we have been investigating the whereabouts of the Demon Sealing Tablet. It turns out that after the Demon Sealing Tablet was stolen, it was smashed."

Di Wushang frowned: "Impossible, the Demon Sealing Tablet is a divine weapon, even Di Qianzhong has no power to break it."

"But the Demon Sealing Tablet was indeed smashed, and it was broken into nine pieces, which were placed in nine very inconspicuous places. This matter is absolutely true. Because one of them was stored In the Immortal Palace of Refuge."

When Di Wushang heard this, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

"The five of us have always wanted to enter the Immortal Palace to find the fragments of the Demon Sealing Tablet..."

(End of this chapter)

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