My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 605 Reduced to Bandit Guard

Chapter 605 Reduced to Bandit Guard
"But our strength is limited after all, the people around Emperor Dongzhou are all dead, even if some survived, we don't know where they hid.

Although the Sanctuary Immortal Palace is located in a remote place, but because Shen Chen is an inscription master, there are more and more masters in the Sanctuary Immortal Palace in recent years.There are 20 masters at the high-level Huang Lingsheng level alone.Therefore, it is impossible to start with their sect.

Later they opened the teleportation array, and the few of us came to this boundless desert through the teleportation array.Firstly, you can practice with peace of mind when you come here, and secondly, the third child is an inscription pattern master, and has also been on-demand by Daoist Tongtian, so it is very convenient for us to use this teleportation array to do things.

What we want is to lure out the high-level officials of the Immortal Palace of Recluseness through continuous trouble, and then our brothers can destroy them one by one until their number of high-level people decreases, and then we will find a way to mix in and destroy the Demon Sealing Tablet. Find the pieces. "

"You five, one surnamed Cui, one surnamed Qian, one surnamed Zheng, one surnamed Li, one surnamed Wu?"

"You... how do you know?" Xiao Cui was excited.Unexpectedly, after 20 years, there are still people who remember their surnames.

"At that time, my jade slips only received these five words from the captain of your seventh team. At that time, I thought you guys were traitors. Later, I sent people to investigate and found out that the traitor was actually the captain of the second team. So I Guessing, you should be the five people who survived, but I don't know, you have actually grasped the whereabouts of the Demon Sealing Tablet."

"You can be trusted by our captain, which means that we can also trust you. So we will tell you the truth..."

After all, Xiao Cui glanced at the front, the only old man called in by Ling Tian.

"Don't worry, he can't hear you."

"Yes." Xiao Cui cupped his fists.

"After the Demon Sealing Tablet was shattered, it was enveloped in a cold force and turned into nine ordinary black stones. The subordinates learned that apart from finding all the nine black stones, they also had to You have to ask a dynasty-grade weapon refiner to calcine it with the fire of Nirvana, so that the Demon Sealing Tablet can be reunited and exert its effect as a divine tool."

Speaking of this, Xiao Cui's eyes were full of dead gray, and he was not excited.

"So even if we can gather all 9 fragments of the Demon Sealing Tablet, we will not be able to find the Fire of Nirvana. We also found out that the only two super-grade refiners in the Hunyuan Continent have long since disappeared. It is estimated that they have suffered Di Qianzhong's black hands."

Ling Tian, ​​who had been sitting quietly listening to their conversation, was startled when he heard "black stone" and stood up abruptly.

" stone?"

"Yeah." Xiao Cui nodded: "Have you seen it?"

Hasn't she seen it?There is one in her space!
When I entered the inland from the outland, I was arrested by the man in black robe because of this black stone.

"You said, there is only one in the Immortal Palace of Recluse?"

"Yes." Xiao Cui nodded.

"Go to the Immortal Palace of Refuge."

As soon as Di Wushang's words fell, Jade King Kong, who was driving the flying boat, headed towards the Reclusive Immortal Palace.

After the few people finished talking, Ling Tian looked into her own space. After striking down the bandits pretending to be in the Recluse Immortal Palace, her karma points had changed from -100 points to 3000 points.

It took more than a month for the 32400 points of the previous loan to be repaid in full.

Then she looked at the black stone that had been hanging in the air in the space.

(End of this chapter)

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