My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 617 Kneel, Climb Over!

Chapter 617 Kneel, Climb Over!

The Immortal Palace of Recluse is exactly what they came here for.

So, does this sect have enmity with the Reclusive Immortal Palace?

Ling Tian looked at Feng Yun, and saw that the other party's eyebrows and eyes were slightly raised. Obviously, he didn't expect such luck to be so lucky. As soon as he arrived at the outskirts of the Hermit Immortal Palace, he encountered a sect that had enmity with them.

So Ling Tian and Feng Yun together decided to join this sect through these disciples first, and then use this sect to deal with the Recluse Immortal Palace.

Although it is a little troublesome, at least the forces on the side of Central Continent will find nothing even if they investigate it.The Reclusive Immortal Palace was destroyed by the sect that had their enemies.

Just as they were about to strike up a conversation with these disciples, a group of people came from the depths of the woods.

"Oh? So this ugly toad has such a great effect? ​​If so, we will reluctantly keep this toad!"

When the disciples heard this, their bodies froze suddenly, and then they turned around angrily.

A dozen or so people walked up behind them, about the same age as this group of disciples, but it could be seen from their clothes that the two groups of disciples came from different sects.

"Qi Fang, don't go too far!"

The elder brother who killed Toad glared at the group of people who came out of the woods, and spoke coldly to the leader.

"Excessive?" The other party laughed when they heard it, and said like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water: "Is this too much? Then if I not only ask you to hand over the toad, but also let you Yang Zhicong, the first genius disciple of Mingyue Sect The young master's crotch slips through, do you think I'm a good person?"

"Yes! Yang Zhi, hurry up, hand over the toad, and then sneak under the crotch of our young suzerain, we will spare all the disciples of your Mingyue sect today, otherwise... let your suzerain of Mingyue sect come and give it to you." You collect the corpse!"

"Hey, I don't have many disciples. If six more disciples die, I don't know if people from the Yanyun Empire would dare to send their own family's youngsters to your Mingyue Sect?"

The faces of the six disciples were flushed by the anger of the visitor, and they all endured the humiliation of the other party, the hatred in their eyes could not be concealed.

"How is it, Yang Zhi? You only have 6 people, but we have 18 people here. Don't you think your Mingyue Sect has a chance of winning?"

"Okay, I'll drill, but you must swear by Thunder Tribulation, after I sneak under your crotch, you will release all my Mingyue Sect disciples, and you must not keep us in any form."

"Yang Zhi, what are you? Even in the face of your Mingyue Sect's suzerain, our young suzerain doesn't need to swear an oath. Do you really think you are someone? If you are wise, follow our young suzerain's words, if you don't... ..."

"Eldest brother, you should go now. Qi Fang is a scum, even if you suffered humiliation for us, he will not let us go easily if such a good opportunity is in front of us." A female disciple of Mingyue Sect said .

"Damn bitch, do you dare to say that our young suzerain is a scum? Well, well..."

"I'll drill!" Yang Zhi agreed before the other party was about to say something more difficult to deal with.

"I don't want you to swear, I don't want you to swear. Qi Fang, you are a man, I only hope you can keep your word!"

Qi Fang obviously didn't expect Yang Zhi to agree, his eyes lit up, and he said triumphantly: "It's natural, come on!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his foot, and behind him a dog-legged disciple of the Recluse Immortal Palace immediately lay down on the ground, letting Qi Fang put his foot on him.

With a pale face, Yang Zhi slowly walked over...

(Ask for Orleans Grilled Wing Flavor Monthly Pass and Recommendation Ticket!!)

 Because the floor was disrupted again yesterday, so skip the repeated building and no fan value, I can only use the number myself.I hope everyone will abide by the rules in the future and build buildings in a civilized manner.

  Congratulations after the 17th floor. , Cynthia on the 27th floor, and Molu Pedestrian on the 37th floor won the prize. Please add me to Q2755579223 to receive book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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