My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 618 Sacrifice Yourself to Help Others

Chapter 618 Sacrifice Yourself to Help Others
"Kneel down, crawl over!" Qi Fang demanded.

"Eldest brother, don't!"

"Don't kneel him!"

"Qi Fang, if you have the guts, you can have a fair fight with our senior brother!"

Yang Zhi clenched his fists tightly, knelt down on the ground with a "plop", and then slowly crawled towards Qi Fang.

"The people of this world-reclusive fairy palace are really deceiving people too much! My son, since we want to join this sect, let's go and help them destroy this young master of the world-reclusive fairy palace. That way we won't be afraid that the suzerain of the world-reclusive fairy palace won't show up. "

Wang Qi really couldn't bear to see it anymore, he had a chivalrous heart, and his kindness suddenly showed.

"Brother, if we go to help them kill someone now, if these six disciples refuse to accept our love in order to stay out of the way, wouldn't we be working in vain? Young Master, they have their own considerations."

Xiao Yu's words made Wang Qi very embarrassed.

Realizing his fault, he quickly apologized: "My lord, I'm sorry, I was the one to be rude."

Ling Tian smiled and said, "Brother Wang Qi doesn't have to be like this. You are a person with a genuine temperament. If you have any ideas in the future, just bring them up directly. I will refer to the suggestions that Brother Wang Qi said as much as possible."

Ever since he knew that Wang Qi's brother and sister were Uncle Ling's biological children, Ling Tian began to respect the two brothers and sisters.

Because to her, Uncle Ling is equivalent to her adoptive father.Brother and sister Wang Qi are Uncle Ling's biological children, so what if they are not her brothers and sisters?
In front of him, Yang Zhi had already slowly crawled over in humiliation until he reached Qi Fang's crotch.Just when Qi Fang raised his palm and was about to slap Yang Zhi's spine, Yang Zhi seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and he hit Qi Fang's lifeblood one step ahead.


Taking advantage of the pain of Qi Fang's life, the moment he bent over, Yang Zhi had already grabbed Qi Fang to the ground, and a dagger of spiritual power lay across Qi Fang's neck.The speed was so fast that even the people behind who were stronger than Yang Zhi couldn't react.

"Yang Zhi, how dare you!"

"Yang Zhi, do you know what you are doing? The Young Sect Master is the only son and the only heir of the Palace Master of the Hermit's Immortal Palace! If you dare to hurt a single hair of his, do you believe that the Mingyue Sect owns it?" People will be wiped out today?"

"Yang Zhi, don't get excited! Don't get excited! Speak up if you have something to say!"

Qi Fang's eyes were full of horror and fear, and his voice trembled a little.

"Qi Fang, let our Mingyue Sect members go! Otherwise, I don't care who you are, we won't survive, and you have to be buried with our Mingyue Sect members!"

"Okay, okay! Don't get excited, don't get excited! I'll let you go! Let you go!"

After all, Qi Fang followed Yang Zhi to stand up from the ground, and shouted at a group of disciples of the Hermit Immortal Palace: "What are you still doing here? Let them go!"

The disciples of the Hermit Immortal Palace cautiously stepped aside as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"Yang Zhi, I...I have let you go, go."

"Let's go." Yang Zhi said calmly to the remaining five disciples.

"Eldest brother, we are not leaving!"

"Yeah, we're not leaving. What do you do when we leave?"

"Go!" Yang Zhi roared, his eyes full of determination.

"Let's go, let's go find the suzerain." Someone from Mingyue Sect suddenly spoke.

"But big brother..."

"Let's go! If we stay here, we will waste the heart of the elder brother."

After all, the disciples of Mingyue Sect kowtowed to Yang Zhi three times, and then quickly fled the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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