Chapter 620 I Am
After Qi Fang came back to his senses, he immediately hid among a group of disciples in the Sanctuary Immortal Palace.

"You... who are you? Why do you want to help him?"

The red soft sword in Ling Tian's hand was still dripping with blood, but she smiled like a spring breeze.

"I saw people who were not fair, so I drew my sword to help."

" you know who I am?"

"I know, I have heard from you just now. The young palace masters of the Hermit Immortal Palace are all released."

"Since you have heard that I am the Young Palace Master of the Reclusive Immortal Palace, you should have heard that my father has only one son like me."

"Well, I know. You are a scum, and your father must also be a scum, so you will be punished by heaven. The majestic master of the first palace only gave birth to one egg. In other words, your mother is not the only one who is such a scum A woman? If so... Could it be that you were born by your mother and another man?"

After speaking, Ling Tian looked suddenly enlightened, and the factor of gossip flickered in his eyes.

Qi Fang's life has been smooth and smooth, and he has never met Ling Tian who is so angry that he doesn't pay for his life. He started to gossip about his parents when he disagreed.

"You...!!! How dare you insult my father like this, if you have the guts, you will be named!"

"Could it be that you think I'm still afraid of your scumbag father? A coward who has been cuckolded by women, do you think you can still use his reputation to scare me? What level is your father? On the border of the imperial kingdom , but the peak level of the Scarlet Spirit King, right? Tell you, I am not afraid, young master!"

"Ha ha."

Looking at Ling Tian's uncle, I am the best, Qi Fang couldn't help laughing out loud.

After a long time, this kid doesn't even know the strength of their Immortal Palace!He even regarded them as a small sect on the border of the imperial kingdom.

"Okay, since you are not afraid, since you are so righteous, then report your name!"

"Submit the report! Young master, I will change my name and surname if I can do it, ****!"


In the secret place behind, Feng Yun and his group looked at Ling Tian's upright and imposing appearance, and countless black lines suddenly fell from his head.

"Hehe, fuck, right? Since you like helping others so much, and you want to see my cuckolded father so much, then the young master will be a good man to the end, and send the Buddha to the West. If you have the guts, don't leave here! "

After finishing speaking, Qi Fang ordered the people around him: "You wait here. You guys, follow me!"

"Hehe, you just leave as soon as you say?"

Qi Fang's pupils shrank slightly, what he was most afraid of was that the other party would not let him go.So almost when Ling Tian finished speaking, he started to run wildly.

Not only crushed the jade slip in his hand at the first moment, but also raised his voice: "Stop him, or none of you will survive!"

All the disciples of the Hermit Immortal Palace knew Qi Fang's character, so at this moment, almost without thinking, everyone pointed their finger at Ling Tian to prevent her from hurting Qi Fang.

However, the obstruction of these disciples is useless to someone like Ling Tian who has teleportation skills.

When all the disciples of the Recluse Immortal Palace gathered around Ling Tian, ​​trying to stop him, everyone found out...

What about people?

Teleporting through the siege of the crowd, Ling Tian started to chase Qi Fang.

Sensing the person chasing after him, Qi Fang was so frightened that his pupils almost dilated.

Someone who can kill two disciples of the Orange Spirit King with two swords is definitely not something he can deal with.

So Qi Fang almost ran away with all his might.

(End of this chapter)

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