My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 621 Don't Thank Me

Chapter 621 Don't Thank Me
Although Ling Tian broke through the bottleneck of the seventh level of the alchemy stage in the flying boat, Qi Fang is also at the seventh level, so in terms of speed, Ling Tian does not have any advantage at all.

At this moment, Ling Tian decided that when she was free later, she would spend points to buy a body-building exercise.

Looking at Qi Fang who kept a certain distance from him, Ling Tian used soul attack.

But it didn't kill Qi Fang at once.

Taking advantage of the other party's lost soul, Ling Tian finally caught up with him.

" can't kill me! My father is Qi Mu! My father is Huang..."

"Your sister Huang!"

Ling Tian slapped this scumbag away.

Then, while everyone was stunned, Ling Tian pierced Qi Fang's stomach with a sword: "I will make you arrogant!"

Amidst Qi Fang's screams, Ling Tian pierced his lung with another sword: "I'll make you crazy!"

In the end, he pierced his heart with a sword: "I make you want to kill others at every turn! Why do you want them to die like a hero in the most tragic way!"

After finishing speaking, Qi Fang fell to the ground and did not move.

" killed our young suzerain! You actually killed our young suzerain!"

"Kill him and avenge the young suzerain, otherwise none of us will live!"


A group of people from the Reclusive Immortal Palace attacked Ling Tian one after another.

"Master Lei, be careful!"

Seeing this, Yang Zhi immediately flew forward to help Ling Tian.

In addition to teleportation, Ling Tian used the power of shattering, Linglong Jue and soul attack to the fullest. When Yang Zhicai killed one person, she had already killed seven people.

Feeling that Ling Tian clearly only had the seventh-level strength of the Scarlet Spirit King, after Yang Zhi killed a person, he was so shocked by Ling Tian's powerful attack that he couldn't help but stand aside and watch in amazement.

In this life, it was the first time he saw a person's body can bend so strangely, it was the first time he saw a person's sword energy that could kill someone on the spur of the moment, and it was the first time he saw a person's spiritual weapon colliding. After killing another person, not only was that person's spirit weapon shattered, but his whole body's bones were also shattered.

Finally, when there was only one person left, Ling Tian stopped.

After seeing Ling Tian's murderous skills, this man couldn't even arouse the slightest resistance. His legs were weak and he knelt on the ground, staring at Ling Tian in horror, and he didn't even want to say a word of mercy.

"Want to live?"


The only remaining disciple of the Sanctuary Immortal Palace had already been frightened into a fool, and now he nodded quickly when he heard such a sentence from the mouth of Ling Tian, ​​the god of death.

"If you want to survive, go back and tell your suzerain who was cuckolded, and tell him that I am here waiting for him."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The disciple nodded again and again, then ran away scrambling.

It wasn't until the man had run far, far away that it was impossible to find him, that Yang Zhi felt a heavy stone on his chest disappear in an instant.

He can talk again.

As soon as he was able to move, Yang Zhi rushed up and searched around the woods for a long time. Seeing that the other party had run away and disappeared, he looked at Ling Tian in despair.

Ling Tian gave Yang Zhi a friendly smile: "It's my favorite thing to do when encountering injustice. So don't thank me."

(End of this chapter)

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