My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 622 Is Your Brain Pretending To Be Shit?

Chapter 622 Is Your Brain Pretending To Be Shit?
Yang Zhi looked at Ling Tian, ​​and really wanted to open his head to see if there was a pile of shit inside.

"**, you are too reckless! Do you know why I dare not kill Qi Fang?"

"I know." Ling Tian nodded: "Isn't it because Qi Fang's father is the Palace Master of the Reclusive Immortal Palace?"

Yang Zhi looked at Ling Tian with a nonchalant expression, and his chest was heaving violently with her anger, and said, "Then Qi Fang tried several times to tell you that his father is a peak-level master of Huang Lingsheng, why don't you listen to him finish his sentence?" Woolen cloth?

Well now, originally I had asked Qi Fang to set up Lei Jie so that he could let our Mingyue Sect go, but you deliberately let the people around him go back.Do you think that the Recluse Immortal Palace is a sect on the edge of the imperial kingdom, so his strength is weak?

Let me tell you, before the establishment of the Recluse Immortal Palace, my Mingyue Sect was the most powerful sect in the entire Yanyun Empire, and it was even among the best in the Qinglong Empire.But the Reclusive Immortal Palace is the sect directly in charge of the Divine Beast Dynasty, and even shoulders a teleportation array of the Divine Beast Dynasty.So you think you can hit a rock with a pebble? "

Seeing that Yang Zhi was so excited, Ling Tian didn't want to provoke him anymore, so he didn't say anything.

Yang Zhi thought he knew he was wrong.

Sighing, he waved his hands and said, "Go. Go as far as you can, change your face, and never come back. I hope you can escape from here before Qi Mu arrives."

"Aren't you going?"

Ling Tian just thought that Yang Zhi was a pretty good person, so he asked casually.

But from what Yang Zhi heard, Ling Tian was really a person who had no back-up, and she was just a reckless person who was ready to retreat after doing something wrong.

Yang Zhi, who was still holding a glimmer of hope, was completely desperate at this moment.

He fell to the ground, devastated.

"Let's go? Where are you going? I am an orphan. I was adopted by the suzerain since I was a child and became her apprentice. It is all thanks to Mingyue Sect that I am today. To me, Mingyue Sect is my home.

But today, because of you, my family, and even the family members I care about, will be killed by people from the Reclusive Immortal Palace.For a man whose family is ruined, so what if he escapes? "

Seeing him in such pain, Ling Tian comforted him, "Okay, you don't need to be sad. A good person will do his best to send the Buddha to the west, and I will help you solve this matter."

Yang Zhi looked at Ling Tian with contempt, and didn't want to talk to her anymore.

For this foolhardy man, if he hadn't saved his life, he would have rushed to kill him to vent his anger.


After about half an hour, a voice suddenly sounded.


Yang Zhi stood up from the ground and looked towards the place where the voice came from.

Ling Tian also stood up and looked in the direction of the voice.

A woman in white rushed over with a large group of people anxiously.


The woman flew in front of Yang Zhi, with a look of worry and concern on her face, and began to check his injuries without saying a word.

"How are you? Are you hurt anywhere?"

The rest of Mingyue Sect went to examine the corpse, but only the sect master kept his eyes on Yang Zhi.

I have to say that Yang Zhi is a good-looking man, and the Suzerain is also very beautiful.Seeing the two of them, Ling Tian thought of Yang Guo and Xiao Long Nu.

Because at this moment, the way the suzerain looked at Yang Zhi was not at all like a simple master looking at a disciple.

(End of this chapter)

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