My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 623 Hunyuan Continental Condor Heroes

Chapter 623 Hunyuan Continental Condor Heroes

Since Yang Zhi's suzerain came, his eyes have completely fallen on her, enjoying her unique concern for him, and his whole eyes have softened.

"No. I'm fine."

"Really? Are you really okay? They didn't hurt you? I don't believe it!"

Yang Zhi raised his lips slightly, and held the suzerain's hand: "I'm really fine, and I'm not injured."

The people of Mingyue Sect are probably not surprised by the emotional interaction between the two of them. After checking, someone said: "Report to Sect Master, Qi Fang is dead."

Different from the earnest concern when facing Yang Zhi, after hearing the report from his subordinates, the suzerain's face turned frosty instantly.

"If he dies, he will die. A good death! Even if he is not killed by Zhi'er, I will kill him."

After finishing speaking coldly, the suzerain looked at Yang Zhi again, and said, "Listen to Qu Xin and the others, when you forced Qi Fang to protect the disciples and leave, I was afraid that you would sacrifice yourself to protect the sect. Zhi'er, if You are dead, I will never live alone."

After all, the suzerain leaned against Yang Zhi's arms in front of Ling Tian.

And Yang Zhi also hugged his master affectionately, caressingly along her back, and said softly: "Fool."

Ling Tian: ...! !

Although she still likes the CP of Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv, the shock is still different from watching it on TV and in reality.

"Brother ** saved me today, but he let the disciples of the Sanctuary Immortal Palace leave. He thought that Qi Mu was just a small sect on the edge of the imperial kingdom, and his strength was no more than the peak of the Scarlet Spirit King, so he boasted that he had to see Qi Mu." Mu's ability. So...Qi Mu should arrive soon."

"When it arrives, it will arrive! He killed my father, and has been trampling my Mingyue Sect under his feet for 20 years. The clay figurine is still three-pointed, so today, even if it is to destroy the door, I will scrape off a thick layer of his reclusive fairy palace." skin off."

The master of Mingyue Sect left Yang Zhi's arms, came to Ling Tian's side, and nodded slightly to him: "You are Mr. Lei?"

Ling Tian, ​​who was watching the relationship between master and apprentice with relish, nodded.

"Thank you for saving Zhi'er's life. If you weren't there today, Zhi'er would definitely use his life to satisfy that pervert."

Ling Tian nodded: "Well, when I made a move, he asked Qi Fang to swear three times with Thunder Tribulation, and each time the oath was about telling Qi Fang not to harm Ming Yuezong, but he didn't ask Qi Fang to let him go. Later Qi Fang Fang wanted to kill him, but I couldn't stand it, so I shot."

After hearing Ling Tian's words, the suzerain of Mingyue Sect had tears in his eyes.

"Thank you son! If you didn't take action, I'm afraid I can only collect Zhi'er's body when I come here at this moment."

"You're welcome, it's easy to do. What's more, I really don't like it."

"Yeah." The Mingyue Sect Master nodded and said, "I also think he is quite unpleasant. So thank you, young master. You are my Mingyue Sect's benefactor!"

"When the road is injustice, it is my motto to draw swords to help. I didn't draw swords to help Mingyuezong. I really don't like it."

"This seat has long disliked him. If Zhi'er hadn't stopped him, this seat would have killed him long ago."

It has to be said that the beautiful suzerain of Mingyue Sect is very suitable for Ling Tian, ​​so the two chatted like this.

Yang Zhi watched the two chatting speechlessly, the more they chatted, the more speculative they became, and the sourness in his heart couldn't help rising.

(Please ask for the pineapple crisp flavor monthly pass and recommendation ticket! There were only 3 monthly passes yesterday, what a pity~
Continue to build buildings: the 17th, 27th, and 37th floors are the winning readers.Please abide by the order and don't repeat the random cover. )
(End of this chapter)

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