My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 665 You still don't believe me?

Chapter 665 You still don't believe me?
"No matter what elixir he took, it is impossible to heal instantly in such a short period of time, not to mention that there is no scar at all."

Bei Xuanmo looked at Huangfu Gongchen and said: "Huangfu, look at you, although we have taken the lead in this matter, you can't directly point out Marshal Gu indiscriminately!"

After finishing speaking, he said to Gu Qianchou: "Marshal Gu, don't take it to heart. It is true that after the three guardians wounded the Lei Lingzun, he set up an enchantment here, and immediately after, people Gone. That's why we thought you were the one.

But now that I think about it, who would be so foolish as to put a prison on the ground, knowing that we are bombarding your enchantment, but still have the mind to fight a field battle with his wife outside.Hahaha... Really, the taste is strong enough.

Okay, okay, this matter is just a misunderstanding, why don't you take it to heart if you save me face? "

Although Gu Qianchou was still angry, he was not so angry that he was about to die.

Just when he was about to forgive Huangfu Gongchen, he heard Huangfu Gongchen say: "Qianqiu, it's not that I'm seriously ill. You also know that Lei Lingzun tried to assassinate me several times. If it wasn't for my vigilance, I would have already died in his hands." Three times.

Three assassinations, each time succeeded, seriously injured me.And every time I was assassinated, you always had a perfect alibi.There are not many spiritual masters in this world, and there are not many, there are only a few of them.So if I don't investigate this matter clearly today, it will be a thorn in my heart forever.Presumably you don't want to have such a layer of estrangement between us monarchs and ministers forever, and I will always have a layer of defense against you, right?

You are a rare talent in my eyes, and I really want to trust you and reuse you.But since you became Generalissimo of Xizhou, I have been assassinated 5 times in the past 3 years.And every assassination almost put me to death.This has never been done before.So I hope you can cooperate. "

Gu Qianchou's face turned cold in an instant: "So even if the three Spiritual Venerables have confirmed that I am not that person, you still don't believe me, do you?"

"Qianqiu, just pretend I'm sorry for you. As long as you're willing to do what I say, and when it's confirmed that Lei Lingzun is not you, how about I send you 20 Eastern troops?"

"Your Majesty, it is absolutely impossible!"

Hua Yukun couldn't help but yelled with jealousy, but was stopped by Huangfu Gongchen.

"You know, I didn't come to the Imperial Palace with you to get your 20 soldiers! If I was addicted to these people, I would have had a first-class force that was completely my own a long time ago, so I wouldn't be fooled by you." When I found out, I was still a wandering cloud and a wild crane."

"Yes, I know, that's why I fell in love with you. But please forgive me, this thorn is stuck in my heart, if I don't take it out, I will die."

Gu Qianchou was silent for a moment, then said, "Say it. What do you want me to do?"

"Two simple things. If you are really not Lei Lingzun who is trying to kill me, then you should go and have the three Lingzun check to see if you are really unharmed. There are so many strange things in this world. What method did you use to hide the injury, as long as they use their spiritual power to probe, they will know immediately. How about it? Do you dare?" Huangfu Gongchen looked at Gu Qianchou, still not missing any of his expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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