Chapter 666
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"What else? You finish it all at once."

"Also, since you said that sister Xiao has already made a vow of thunder calamity, then after they examine you, no matter whether you are injured or not, please make another vow in front of me, saying that you have no thunder spirit power. Only in this way can I be [-]% sure that you are not that person."

"Huangfu, are you going through a bit like this?" Bei Xuanmo said: "Although the oath of thunder robbery is reliable, in this world, if there is no major enmity between life and death, they will not ask the other party to make the oath of thunder robbery. It's an unwritten rule. You are insulting Marshal Gu in public like this!"

"Promise him." Suddenly, Hua Lixiao's secret voice reached Gu Qianchou's ears, making Gu Qianchou's heart skip a beat.

"Okay, I promise you." Almost without any hesitation, Gu Qianchou agreed to Huangfu Gongchen.

This caused Bei Xuanmo's eyes to narrow slightly.

Originally, he was sure that Gu Qianchou must be related to Dongzhou, but now he was also at a loss.

Could it be that he really made a mistake?
After Gu Qianchou agreed, he walked up to the three guardians and stretched out his hand: "Check it."

At this moment, even the three guardians felt that Huangfu Gongchen was going too far, and they all said rationally: "Marshal Gu, I offended you."

After all, the three of them checked Gu Qianchou's injuries in turn. After the inspection, they clasped their fists at Huangfu Gongchen and said, "Dijun, after repeated inspections by the three of us, Marshal Gu is in good health and not injured. And if he is That Lei Lingzun who was injured internally by me, even if he takes the divine pill, his body will not recover at this moment."

When Huangfu Gongchen heard it, he was so surprised that he didn't know what to say.

Even Bei Xuanmo beside him was extremely surprised.

"I, Gu Qianchou, swear here that if I have thunder-attribute spiritual power in my body, if I am the murderer who injured the emperor several times before, I will be bombarded by thunder to death."

boom -

There was thunder in the sky, and the sky that was originally covered with thunderclouds seemed to be densely packed in an instant.

Everyone's hearts followed suit.

However, the next moment, the dark clouds dissipated, revealing a clear night sky.

There was no thunder disaster! ! !

Huangfu Gongchen was stunned for a long time, the matter that was originally fixed, just like this completely disappeared?
"What doubts does Dijun have now? If you have any doubts, please speak up!"

Huangfu Gongchen recovered from the shock, and then, regardless of the emperor's posture, knelt down on one knee in front of Gu Qianchou, cupping his fists and bowing.

Gu Qianchou was startled, and hurried forward to help him: "Dijun, what are you doing?"

"Qianqiu, please forgive me! I really liked you and cherished you, that's why I asked you to come to the court to help me. I also really treat you as a good brother, so I will feel sorry for you later when I doubt you. So angry. Now that everything has been investigated, you are indeed not the murderer. This makes me feel very ashamed and sorry for you.

To tell you the truth, in the past two years, no matter whether it's to send people to your house, or to test you in the hall, I subconsciously feel that you are that person, and that's why I look at you so crazily. of.

Qianqiu, now the truth is revealed, I know I was wrong, are you willing to forgive me?If you don't forgive me, I won't get up. "

"Since it has been determined that that person is not the last general, I hope that the emperor will not doubt the last general in the future. Otherwise, the last general will be really disappointed."

(End of this chapter)

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