My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Suspicion is a disease

Suspicion is a disease
"After all, not every injury can be recovered."

"Of course!" Huangfu Gongchen stood up from the ground, and then took out a soldier talisman from the space ring: "This is a soldier talisman for dispatching 20 Eastern troops. From now on, you can dispatch the 20 Eastern troops at will. "

"No Dijun, you know that I didn't come to the Imperial Palace for this."

"No, I have to take it!" After finishing speaking, Huangfu Gongchen put the soldier amulet that everyone envied into Gu Qianchou's hands.

Hua Yukun was so jealous.

In the past few years, Huangfu Gongchen's trust in him is obviously higher than that in Gu Qianchou, the reason is that they always think that Gu Qianchou is the murderer.

But now after it was confirmed, Huangfu Gongchen's reliance on Gu Qianchou was obviously higher than him, which made Hua Yukun simply unacceptable.

Looking at the soldier talisman in Gu Qianchou's hand, Hua Yukun couldn't help standing up, and threw another stone into the once calm lake.

"Marshal Gu, the thunder robbery you set up just now means that you are not the murderer, but this does not prove that you have nothing to do with the murderer. Today, all the dignitaries in Xizhou welcome His Royal Highness King Qi and Master Beixuan to visit, but You and Xiao'er are walking on this mountain... Such a thing!
Xiao'er told the old man today that you and her have not consummated the marriage yet.It's been a month since you got married and you didn't consummate the house, but you did such a thing in this barren mountain, where the Lord Lei Ling left traces. If you want to say that you have a good relationship, it really can't be justified. "

After Hua Yukun finished speaking, he glanced at Huangfu Gongchen.I saw that his eyes that had just heated up just flickered again at this moment.

An imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of Hua Yukun's lips.

Huangfu Gongchen was a very suspicious person, even though Gu Qianchou had made the oath of thunder and robbery just now, this doubt could not be washed away.

And with the growth of time, the seed of doubt in Huangfu Gongchen's heart will become a towering tree again.

Gu Qianchou glanced at Hua Yukun, then at Huangfu Gongchen.

"Dijun, there is a famous saying about governing the country that you must have heard."

"What?" Huangfu Gongchen asked.

"A virtuous minister, a humble man."

Huangfu Gongchen: ...

"In the eyes of the general, Hua Yukun is a typical villain. If the emperor does not stay away from such a person, and continues to trust and get close to him, the people around you who are truly loyal to you and willing to do your best for you will be more Come less and less, in the end, there will be only one him by your side.

But think about it, what is he?It's just an ant at the peak of the Linghuang.But it's just such an ant that can ruin your imperial foundation.When the time comes, you won't be able to control Xizhou at all, what will Central Continent think of you? "

Hua Yukun: "...Gu Qianchou, what do you mean?"

"literal meaning!"

After finishing speaking, Gu Qianchou stuffed the soldier talisman back into Huangfu Gongchen's hand.

"Emperor, you should hold this soldier talisman yourself. Put it here, this soldier talisman will not only keep you warm, but it will attract hatred, and even cause death."

After Gu Qianchou finished speaking, Huangfu Gongchen who knelt down and kowtowed to let him accept the military talisman did not give the military talisman to Gu Qianchou at this moment.


He was indeed suspicious again.

Although he thinks it's not good.

"Huangfu Gongchen, because your suspicion has killed so many talents in Xizhou, so the emperor has been very dissatisfied with your actions in recent years."

(End of this chapter)

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