Chapter 672

At this moment, the two felt extremely regretful. Why didn't they rush over when they knew what happened here?It turned out that the master became a joke under the eyes of everyone.

The two of them looked at Hua Lixiao again, their eyes turned cold for an instant.

It's all this woman!

It must be that she went to seduce the Lord, and then was captured by so many people, causing the Lord to become like this.

After seeing this scene, Hu Ziqi staggered. If Chengen Chengde hadn't helped her, she would have slumped down.

If she saw Hua Lixiao sitting up on Gu Qianchou's bed today, she could still comfort herself, then what excuse should she use to comfort herself now?
The man she had loved for nearly 20 years, and the man she had been waiting for for 20 years, was now hanging out with the daughter of her enemy in full view!
She hates!

She hates it so much!
Tears welled up in her eyes, and Hu Ziqi choked them back.

She still deeply remembered what Gu Qianchou said to her before going out.She cannot show affection.


Hua Liming, go to hell!

Today, if you don't let you be criticized by thousands of people, I will never give up!
Hu Ziqi lowered her eyes to hide the endless hatred she couldn't hide.

"I have seen my father." Princess Jingyu greeted her politely.

"What are you doing here?" Huangfu Gongchen asked with a gloomy face.

"It's like this, the young master of the Marshal's Mansion was hijacked before and wanted to kill him in the mountains, but thanks to Aunt Hu and two guards from the Marshal's Mansion arriving in time, the young master was not killed.

The minister sent someone to verify the identity of the kidnapper, and found that this person was actually a servant of the prime minister's mansion, and was... Madam Gu's personal bodyguard.So Erchen accompanied Aunt Hu to ask the father to make the decision. "

"Presumptuous! A lowly aunt, what qualifications does she have to let me make decisions for her?"

"...!!" Princess Jingyu blinked her beautiful eyes, her eyes full of confused inquiries.

Royal father, it wasn't like this when we were friendly before!

"Come here, Princess Jingyu tried to frame Mrs. Gu several times. The evidence of the crime is conclusive. Now she is trying to frame Marshal Gu's house and make Marshal Gu's house uneasy. Such a princess is the disgrace of my West Continent! Put her to death in public!"


"Father... Royal father!" Princess Jingyu was stunned.

Isn't the line like this? !
So what should she say now?
Princess Jingyu didn't react until Jingjiawei had firmly clamped her down.She wanted to say something, but when she opened her mouth, there was an invisible huge pressure that made her unable to speak.

Princess Jingyu's eyes widened suddenly, and it was only at this moment that she realized that she was helping her father to do things, but her father abandoned her.

Princess Jingyu wanted to struggle, but the pressure made her unable to even lift her feet, so she could only let Jingjiawei guard her.

Afterwards, a guard in fine armor walked up to her, pulled out the sword at his waist, and mercilessly sent the tip of the sword into her heart.


With the sound of a sword sinking into the body and blood spraying out, Princess Jingyu died, and the audience was dead silent.

"Remove Jingyu from Huangfu's family."


Hu Ziqi, Cheng En, and Cheng De were all dumbfounded, they had no idea what happened.

"Qianqiu, your aunt doesn't seem like a good person. But this is your business, no matter what she wants, I will never interfere.

(End of this chapter)

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