My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 673 I really want to give her a slap

Chapter 673 I really want to slap her
Now the prime minister has been demoted, the imperial concubine has also been demoted to a concubine, and the imperial robe, I will personally supervise and let them resell the imperial robe 100 slabs.

I know I was wrong.From now on, I will never disbelieve you!You don't want to go, okay? "

Huangfu Gongchen's words shocked Hu Ziqi, Cheng En, and Chengde.

What happened during their absence?
After all, Huangfu Gongchen took out another soldier talisman from the space, and put it together with the previous one in Gu Qianchou's hand.

"This is the talisman of the 20 Eastern Army, and this is the talisman of the 20 Western Army. I will allocate 40 to you for the million-strong army in Xizhou, so that you have the right to deploy these 40 people at will. You know, the Central Continent The soldiers in the country only look at the soldier talisman and not the person, and they only show loyalty to the soldier talisman but not to the people, now you hold the soldier talisman of 40 troops, do you still think that my sincerity is not enough?"

Hu Ziqi stared.

40 troops? !

Dijun, who likes the concentration of power like that, gave Qianqiu 40 troops?
In the future, Qianchou will really become an existence under one person and above hundreds of millions of people in this West Continent.He will also become the most powerful person in the Western Continent besides the Great Emperor Xizhou.

Hu Ziqi looked at Gu Qianchou nervously, praying inwardly.You must not do stupid things!

Hua Lixiao walked to Gu Qianchou's side, and said to Huangfu Gongchen: "Dijun, since I'm married to Qianchou, I'm Qianchou's person, and I should think about him.

Although I don't know you very well yet, I can see from your way of getting along and speaking that Qian Qiu is a person with a relatively straightforward personality and doesn't like to beat around the bush.I think such a person is not suitable for court, but more suitable for Jianghu.If Dijun really treats him as a brother, he should let him go. "

When Huangfu Gongchen heard this, he staggered two steps in a daze.At this moment, he really felt panic.

Previously, the Generalissimo of Soldiers and Horses in Xizhou had always been the weakest in the five continents. Only after Gu Qianchou came, not only was he on par with the Generalissimos of the other continents, Gu Qianchou was also a good hand in training soldiers and horses. .Since he commanded Xizhou soldiers and horses, Xizhou's overall actual combat ability has improved significantly.

The point is, compared with those generals before, Gu Qianchou is really the best.

If it wasn't for his suspicious suspicion, Gu Qianchou wouldn't have left.

No, he can't let Gu Qianchou go!

Hu Ziqi felt drunk after hearing Hua Lixiao's words.

This woman, why did she help Qian Qiu make a decision before he even spoke?Which onion is she?

It's not easy for Qianqiu to get to this point. Although she hardly asks about his affairs, she knows that he wants to stay in the Xizhou Imperial Palace and wants to climb up.

So at this moment, Hu Ziqi felt that Hua Lixiao was ruining Gu Qianchou's important matter. When Huangfu Gongchen was extremely sad and was about to increase his efforts to persuade her to stay, she stood up with her head held high and became a peacemaker.

"Dijun, my husband will not leave. Husband is very satisfied with this position, and I am even more grateful to Dijun for giving him such an opportunity to command Xizhou's 40 soldiers and horses. He will definitely do well!"

Seeing Hu Ziqi's grateful face, Hua Lixiao's expression turned cold, and she almost couldn't help rushing up to give her a slap.

The reason she and Gu Qianchou had been communicating in secret for so long was to play hard to get.

(End of this chapter)

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