My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 686 They Are Like This In Private

Chapter 686 They Are Like This In Private
The common people, even those not from the Azure Dragon Empire, all knelt down one after another.Shouting——

"Long live the emperor, long live!"

Then, Ling Tian suddenly discovered that when these common people knelt down to worship Ye Chuchen, their karma points were also soaring.

So, harvesting worship points can also increase karma?

If she had known this, she would have joined the army of pretense a long time ago!
"Everyone, today coincides with my senior brother coming to look for me. My senior brother is an unworldly genius in the alchemy world. Since my senior brother has already set up the ring here, I would like to invite everyone to be a witness. The limit is two hours. Let's see who treats the most difficult and miscellaneous diseases between me and senior brother. How?"

"Okay!" The people erupted.

One is a genius doctor who can cure all diseases, and the other is a super alchemist who has refined 35 pills with a purity of more than [-]% in one furnace.

While feasting the eyes, it can also cure diseases.

This is simply a rare spectacle in the prosperous age!
"What about the loser?" Ling Tian asked with a smile.

Ye Chuchen chuckled: "As usual, how about listening to the other party for a month and helping him wash their stinky socks for a month?"

The common people roared with laughter, and laughed out of good intentions.

"It seems that the relationship between the emperor and his senior brother is really good."

"Not only is it very good, look at their eye contact, is that something that brothers can have in general?"

"Yeah, this kind of feeling is hard to achieve even with brothers!"

"I really don't know how powerful their master is to be able to teach such two outstanding disciples."

"Ah! I'm so envious! I really want to have such a good senior or junior."

"I want a man like that."

"Me too!"

"Ahhh, so handsome! Even if I can be a servant girl for the emperor and senior brother!"

"That's right! Hey! That's why there are so many battles in the harem! Such an excellent emperor, if I were a concubine in the harem, I would also fight for favor!"

With just ordinary conversations and eye contact, Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen, two peerless young men, gained countless fans and captured the hearts of countless girls.

The common people were still whispering, and the Imperial Forest Army had distributed paper and pens for everyone to fill in.

After completing the filling, a group of imperial physicians in the palace will be responsible for selecting patients with life-threatening and intractable diseases.

And Ling Tian used this time to save the remaining 20 people who were poisoned.

Looking at the patient who was not far from the deadline one moment, and was alive and well the next moment, everyone looked at the enthusiasm of Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen, as if they were looking at two shining suns.

In the end, every frown and smile of the two of them can almost make all the girls scream.

However, the real situation is like this.

In the secret sound transmission that people can't hear——

"Little Tian'er, you are so outrageous. You are here to fight me! Is there anyone in this world who is dirtier than you?"

"Tch! Stupid! Can you blame me for this? I finally ran all the way to find you, but when I was about to arrive, the road was blocked like this. I didn't give you 100 spirit stones, and I didn't give you a notification. You The Buddha is too big, please don't move me, I can only set a bait here, waiting for you to take the bait."

However, Ye Chuchen directly ignored the immoral Ling Tian, ​​ignored her, looked at Feng Yun who was wearing a mask, and rolled her eyes.She had a flattering face, and there were little pink stars in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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