My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 687 Brother-in-law, I Love You

Chapter 687 Brother-in-law, I Love You

"Is this my brother-in-law? The phoenix is ​​the phoenix. It is really different. At first glance, it is not comparable to those ordinary people! Brother-in-law, you are so handsome! Super handsome! I am so tall, and I have never seen one more handsome than you. More handsome. Brother-in-law, when I see you, I think of a lot of adjectives.

Xiao Tian'er knew that I was a scumbag, but do you know that the moment I saw you just now, the shock you brought to me made me instantly feel like a talented person who has read poetry and books, a person with ink? cultural people.

If you don’t believe me, I’ll recite it to you!My brother-in-law Yushu faces the wind, suave, graceful, graceful, personable, majestic, dignified, majestic..."

"Okay, okay, stop flattering him. Just tell me what you want to do!" Ling Tian really couldn't stand it anymore.

For this unscrupulous person, Ling Tian went straight to the point in a simple and rude manner.

"Hehe." Ye Chuchen turned his back to the crowd, and showed a smirk at Feng Yun who was standing in the corner, and said, "Brother-in-law, where are the promised red envelopes?"

Originally, Feng Yun had no expression on women except Xiao Tian'er.But for his sister-in-law, Feng Yun really liked it from the bottom of his heart.

I have been thinking about what kind of girl can be worthy of the friendship of his family Xiao Tian'er. I couldn't think of it before no matter how I thought about it. Now that I see Ye Chuchen, my heart instantly understands.

"I'll give it to you when I enter the palace later."

Ye Chuchen's eyes lit up: "Brother-in-law V587!...Hey, what, brother-in-law, can I ask weakly, how much is the red envelope you want to give me?"

Looking at Ye Chuchen, who is obsessed with money, and his little princess who is full of tsundere princess style, they are not on the same parallel line.

Feng Yun curled his lips and said, "20 spirit stones."

Ye Chuchen's eyes widened.Eyes are shining.

It really is a big red envelope!
"Brother-in-law, you are so kind! You are the best brother-in-law in the world! I love Xiaotian!"

Ling Tian raised her eyebrows, she thought this woman was going to say I love your brother-in-law!The result is okay, I haven't completely lost my money and become stupid.

But Ling Tian suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and added: "Your brother-in-law is talking about 20 purple spirit stones."

20 purple... purple spirit stone? !
The excited Ye Chuchen suddenly froze, stared, eyeballs bulged, and mouth opened wide.But my heart was doing arithmetic quickly.

100 yellow spirit stones are equal to 1 green spirit stone. According to the multiplication of 100, 1 yellow spirit stones are equal to 1 blue spirit stone, and 100 million yellow spirit stones are equal to 1 blue spirit stone. It takes... 1 million yellow spirit stones to equal 1 purple spirit stone!

And her dearest brother-in-law actually gave her a meeting gift of 20 purple spirit stones!

", is it really 20 purple spirit stones? Lying to cheat my sister-in-law is not a good brother-in-law!"

Feng Yun was completely amused by Ye Chuchen's appearance.

I never knew that people who are greedy for money can be so cute.

Seeing Feng Yun nodding, Ye Chuchen's eyes softened, and he said affectionately: "Brother-in-law, I love you!"

Ling Tian: ...=_=! !
really! !This girl is so stupid that she can say anything.

Just when Fengyun was speechless and didn't know how to answer Ye Chuchen's words, Ye Chuchen spoke affectionately again.

"Brother-in-law, do you know, I want to find a man like you in my life, who is handsome, loves his wife, has a good personality, and is gentle and rich. Really!
(End of this chapter)

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