My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 696 The bull broke, Huahua

Chapter 696 The bull broke, Huahua
A Zi Lingzun envious of an Orange Spirit King?

Hua Lixiao felt that Gu Qianchou was joking.

"So, don't you know that you are the body of the earth spirit? Don't Huafu conduct intensive tests on your spiritual power every year?"

Hua Lixiao: ...? ? ?
Seeing Hua Lixiao's bewildered face, Gu Qianchou confirmed the doubt in his heart.

"It seems that your earth spirit body only appeared after your soul entered Hua Lixiao's body."

Hua Liming was shocked.

"So you said... I am the body of the earth spirit? One of those five people?"

"En." Gu Qianchou nodded: "Not only are you an earth spirit body, but the meridians in your body are also warmed by a strong force for a long time, so you are different from other spirit bodies, you don't need to break through the limits of your body .Because under the warmth of that power, your body's meridians have already broken through the limit, just waiting for your spiritual power to grow."

"I see." Hua Lixiao nodded.

No wonder she hasn't practiced much in the past few months, but her strength has grown by leaps and bounds.And she is about to break through the peak of the Orange Spirit King and enter the level of Huang Lingsheng.

After entering the Holy Spirit level, her "Tiantian Spell" can also be cultivated to the fourth level.

Gu Qianchou continued: "The bodies of the five elements are mutually generated and restrained, but for you and me, they are mutually generated. The earth produces metal. At the moment when my body was about to explode, I was nourished by the power of your earth spirit. The body of the earth spirit happens to be the only good medicine for the body of the gold spirit, and you are the only one who can save me in this world. That's why I recovered so quickly. Thank you."

Hua Lixiao was a little confused.

So, is she really his medicine?

She pursed her lips in embarrassment, and Hua Lixiao moved the topic away.

"Since I have saved you so many times and cleared you of any suspicion, shouldn't you thank me?"

Gu Qianchou raised his eyebrows, nodded and said, "Naturally. But how do you want me to thank you?"

"Now for you, I have completely offended Huangfu Gongchen and Hua Yukun, especially Hua Yukun. He will not let me go. So let me go. From now on, we will never owe each other."

After finishing speaking, Hua Lixiao looked at Gu Qianchou.

She felt that her request was a bargain for Gu Qianchou.

However, Gu Qianchou didn't even look at her, his eyes looking at the sky couldn't see any expression.But his complexion is getting darker and darker, and his breath is getting colder and colder.

The gentle and jade-like man just now was instantly replaced by an evil man of the dark type, and Hua Liming's muscles trembled twice due to the cold.

At this moment, Hua Lixiao really had no doubt that this man would grab her neck again and strangle her to death.

However, after a long time, this dark violent man did not put violence into action.

"Three years."


"Stay with me for three years, and I will give you freedom. During these three years, I will keep you safe. However, you are not allowed to have an affair with other men. "

After finishing speaking, Gu Qianchou turned and left, entered the room, and closed the door.



Seeing that the door frame is quite strong, how much strength does it take to make the door frame shake for so long?
Hua Lixiao was speechless.

However, the more speechless is yet to come.

"Knock Knock Knock!"

Hua Dawn knocked on the door.

There was silence inside the door.

"Knock down."

Hua Dawn knocks on the door again.

The door opened.

Gu Qianchou had a cold face, and his handsome face carved with knives and axes was even more three-dimensional.

(End of this chapter)

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