Chapter 697


Looking at Hua Lixiao's deserted face, he felt inexplicably wanting to vent his anger.

Hua Lixiao glanced at Gu Qianchou inexplicably, and said, "This is my room."


Sensing Gu Qianchou's almost murderous eyes, Hua Lixiao raised her jaw slightly.

Looking at her "I'm not afraid of you" look, Gu Qianchou suddenly felt a little powerless.

At this moment, there was a sound outside, Hu Ziqi led Gu Rui, and walked in with Cheng En and Cheng De.

After seeing that Gu Qianchou was really here at Hua Lixiao, a trace of uncontrollable jealousy flashed in Hu Ziqi's eyes.

"Husband, you are indeed here." Hu Ziqi walked in with a serious face.

"What are you doing here?" Gu Qianchou asked displeased.

Today, if Hu Ziqi hadn't ruined his big event, he would have captured 40 troops from the east and west.

Seeing Hu Ziqi now, I made a decision in my heart: this woman can no longer stay by my side.

However, Hu Ziqi didn't know what Gu Qianchou was planning at the moment, and when she walked up to Gu Qianchou, she knelt down to Gu Qianchou.

Seeing that Gu Rui was not kneeling, Hu Ziqi ordered sternly, "Kneel down."


"Kneel down!" Hu Ziqi demanded again sharply.

However, Gu Rui lowered his head and did not kneel down.

"What's going on?" Gu Qianchou asked with a frown.

"Husband, since the wife is here, then I should just speak up. I beseech you to make the decision for Rui'er!"

Gu Qianchou glanced at Hu Ziqi who started to cry after saying a word, looked at Gu Rui and said, "Ruier, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Gu Rui shook his head.A pair of dark eyes, full of melancholy.

"Aunt Hu, you can't be shameless as a human being."

What Hu Ziqi wanted to do, Hua Lixiao knew very well.

Shameless people should have a limit.No matter how white the lotus is, it should have its own bottom line.Even if there is no bottom line at all, you should have self-knowledge.

Although this Hu Ziqi is not ugly, but from the outside, she and Gu Qianchou are not worthy at all.

And one is a master at the spirit level, and the other is a waste of spiritual power.

To be honest, the two of them don't deserve each other at all, okay?
The point is, she has never argued with this woman, but she always wants to get rid of her.

It's really shameless, skinless, and self-aware, it's disgusting to the extreme!
Facing Hua Lixiao's unbearable warning, Hu Ziqi faced the difficulties without any fear.

"Madam, don't you blush when you say these words? When you dream back at midnight, don't you feel guilty for what you have done?"

Hua Lixiao sneered: "Hu Ziqi, the same thing, you should ask yourself."

Hu Ziqi's complexion changed slightly, and a bad premonition rose in her heart.

Hua Lixiao just said that, as if she knew what would happen next.

But how?
When the incident happened, she should have been with Qian Qiu to seduce Qian Qiu with that vicious figure.

So, she must not know!
"Ma'am, it's already come to this point, don't you admit it? Today's incident was witnessed by my subordinates, Cheng En and others."

Chengde originally thought Hua Lixiao was not pleasing to the eye, but now seeing Hua Lixiao do such a vicious thing, he still looks superior, and the Lord, obviously already seduced by this vixen, yelled loudly regardless of his dignity.

(End of this chapter)

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