My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 698 Aunt Hu, I'll Help You

Chapter 698 Aunt Hu, I'll Help You


Gu Qianchou looked at Chengde, full of disappointment with this subordinate who had been with him for many years.

Seeing this, Cheng En hurriedly sent a voice: "Chengde, don't forget your duty."

Chengde looked at Cheng En in disappointment, as if he was going all out.

Cheng En sent it to him through a secret voice, but he said it directly.

"I haven't forgotten my duty. My duty is to protect the lord on the premise of protecting the safety of the lord. But now the lord's life is not guaranteed, even if the lord drives me away , I will also tell what happened today."

After finishing speaking, he knelt behind Aunt Hu.

Before he could speak, Gu Qianchou said, "I'll give you one last chance, get up."

"My lord! Loyal words are harsh!"

Gu Qianchou was also angry: "Why do you give me honest advice?"

"Just because the subordinate's life was saved by the Lord! Just because the subordinate feels that the master's life is more precious than the subordinate's own! Even if the master is angry, the subordinate must say it."

Gu Qianchou was laughed angrily by Chengde.

"Okay, you say it. You, you, say it!"

"Husband, it's all my concubine's fault. Don't be angry with Chengde. He's doing it for your own good. If something about Rui'er causes a rift between you master and servant, that's not good."

Hua Lixiao really wanted to rush up and tear Hu Ziqi's face off.

"Since you don't want their master and servant to feel jealous, what are you kneeling here for? Hu Ziqi, you are really getting more and more disgusting.

Before, you just brought Gu Rui in, but now you not only want to bring Gu Rui in, but also bring Cheng En and Chengde to your side. You are called overstepping, do you understand?

This is beyond the scope of your aunt's power.If such a thing is placed in the court, it is called the harem interfering in politics.It's hard for Gu Qianchou not to have animosity towards Cheng En and Cheng De! "

Hu Ziqi just burst into tears, soft and weak, with a thin body.

In such a continent that eats people but does not spit out bones, a useless woman with no spiritual power can make it this far. She really used the three words "weak bitch" to the highest level.

"Madam taught me the lesson. Husband, just pretend that I haven't been here today. I really don't want to see such a good master-servant relationship between you and Chengen Chengde deteriorate because of me."

Hua Lixiao felt her heart screaming.

If it wasn't because this woman was Gu Qianchou's woman, and she had nothing to do with Gu Qianchou, as the head wife of the Marshal's Mansion, she would definitely slap her away without saying a word.

Can this woman be any cheaper?

Sure enough, it was almost Hu Ziqi's voice that Chengde, a fool without a brain, was immediately detonated with all his anger by this sad scene.

"Aunt Hu, why don't you say it? If you don't say it, then the subordinates will! Master, even from now on, you don't want your subordinates to serve you. Today, your subordinates have to take this woman's ugly skin Tear it off."

After all, Chengde was very angry with Gu Qianchou, who didn't even look at Hu Ziqi from the beginning to the end, but just watched him the whole time, and said, "Hua Lixiao colluded with the Hua family. She left the young master and attempted to kill the young master on the mountain. There are all witnesses and material evidences, and there is no room for her to argue about this matter!"

Gu Qianchou looked at Chengde silently, the anger in his eyes had completely receded at this moment, and what was left was only ice-cold.

(End of this chapter)

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