My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 699 She's a Vixen

Chapter 699 She's a Vixen
"What's the reason?"

Sensing the change of master's aura, Chengde's heart shrank suddenly.But looking at Aunt Hu who was still sobbing with her head down, not even daring to cry loudly, the man's desire to protect came out again.

"The reason is of course that after killing the young master, the Lord will only love her alone!"

After finishing speaking, Chengde didn't think it was enough, and added another sentence: "Don't you think that you wanted to kill Hua Lixiao a few days ago, but these two days, you have already regarded her as a treasure?"

Have it?

Hua Lixiao glanced at the man beside him who was exuding air-conditioning.

Probably not!
But even if she could, it's impossible for her to be with Gu Qianchou.

Although it is normal for men in this world to have three wives and four concubines, she cannot accept it.

So even though such a relationship had already happened, she never considered it.

Feeling Hua Lixiao's gaze, Gu Qianchou suddenly felt a little awkward in his heart, and his ears started to feel feverish for no reason.

Fortunately, his hair was loose at the moment.

But has he really taken Hua Lixiao as a treasure?
To him, she should be a treasure.

She is his medicine.

It was the best medicine for him until his death.

Chengde didn't notice the change in the atmosphere between the two at all, and continued: "But Lord, you know that Hua Yukun has always wanted to kill you. If you let this woman approach you, one day..."

"Someday what?"


"Say it! Why don't you say it?"

Chengde didn't dare to say any more.Because at this moment, the eyes of the Lord watching him are only icy cold.He has been with the Lord for so long, and he has never looked at him with such eyes.

"What do you say?" Gu Qianchou looked at Cheng En again.

Cheng En was startled, and quickly lowered his head, not daring to say anything.

Chengde was a little angry, feeling that Cheng En didn't consider the Lord's safety at all.But after thinking about it, if the Lord detests him because of this, at least he won't detest Cheng'en because of it.In this way, Cheng'en can always be reused by the Lord.

As long as the two of them are here, this woman Hua Lixiao will never be able to find her way out of the sky.

Thinking of this, Chengde felt at ease again.

"Chengde has said so much for you. As the protagonist of this matter, what do you want to say?" Gu Qianchou looked at Hu Ziqi and asked flatly.

"Father, mother just said that she didn't come today. Rui'er thinks this matter can be over. Rui'er loves mother, and Rui'er also believes that mother will never do such a thing."

Gu Rui was terrified, he was really afraid that his mother would go further and further on the road to get his father's love.

"Rui'er, be good. Daddy also wants to know who hit you today."

After all, without waiting for Gu Rui to speak again, Gu Qianchou sealed Gu Rui's mouth with spiritual power, preventing him from speaking again.

"Ben Shuai wants to hear from you."

Hu Ziqi took a deep breath and said, "Husband, I have nothing to say. I just want to ask my wife to stay away from Rui'er in the future. I am very grateful."

"My lord, Aunt Hu has a witness."

"Ben Shuai didn't let you talk, Ben Shuai was asking her."

Hu Ziqi's thin body trembled slightly, and in the end, she still said: "Husband, I will remember your words before leaving the house today. But Rui'er is my only son, I can't just watch Rui'er being killed and remain indifferent ah."

"Okay." Gu Qianchou nodded: "Then you call for your witness."

(End of this chapter)

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