My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 705 You are so cruel

Chapter 705 You are so cruel

Seeing this, Gu Qianchou frowned deeply.He was about to have someone knock Hu Ziqi unconscious and send her away, but Hua Lixiao spoke.

"A person like you deserves to die. It's a blessing for the world to lose such a disaster as you. You have framed me so many times. It's not too much to kill you. Then you can die. When you die, I'll look up to you."


Hu Ziqi was startled when she kowtowed.

" are so cruel!"

Hua Dawn is inexplicable.

"Why am I cruel? It's clear that you are cruel. You can kill your child so cruelly, so I am quite curious if you can kill yourself cruelly.

Hu Ziqi, I bet you don't dare!Because you are such a selfish person who loves yourself more than anything else, you will never commit suicide!But in all fairness, I really hope you die. "

Hu Ziqi was completely dumbfounded by Hua Lixiao's unreasonable way of playing cards.

"Kowtow! Kowtow to death! Why don't you kowtow?"

Chengen Chengde, who thought Hua Lixiao was vicious before, felt inexplicably relieved after hearing her words now?

A woman like Hu Ziqi should be dealt with by someone like Hua Lixiao!
Watching Hua Liming, Hu Ziqi really gave up.

Suddenly, she burst out laughing.

"Why should I kowtow? Hua Liming, you vicious woman, why should I kowtow to you and die in front of you?"

"Eldest sister, have you forgotten that you said you would kowtow to me until you die?"

Hu Ziqi cried and showed a ferocious face: "Hua Liming, I really hate it! Why? Why every time I want to drive you away, you can use the mirror image symbol to completely expose my behavior in front of Qianchou ?
Why do you beat me back to hell in the cruelest way every time I see a little hope?

Do you know how humble I love Qianchou?I loved him for 20 years and got nothing.But what about you?You took the position I've worked so hard for for 20 years!

Why can't I hate you?Why can't I deal with you?You vixen, you were sent by Huafu to hurt Qianqiu!Why can't I get rid of you first? "

Hua Lixiao was completely speechless to this woman, and let her cry and spiel on the ground.

In the end, Gu Qianchou couldn't stand listening anymore, and directly used coercion to stun Hu Ziqi.

"Chengen, you send 8 maids, 8 wives, and 20 guards to Hu Ziqi. My house by the lake in the south of the city is used to house her. Chengde, if you don't want to live with her, do your best." Just protect her secretly as much as you can. When she dies, you will have completed your mission, and then you will be free."

Chengde knelt on the ground, his eyes were red.

At this moment, he regretted it so much.

Regretting why I always keep accepting En's advice, why I always like to comment on things around my master?Why do you always like to be self righteous?

It's all right now, the master doesn't want him anymore.He can no longer return to his master's side...

A tear fell quietly, Chengde straightened his body, and kowtowed to Gu Qianchou once, twice, and three times, thanking him for his life-saving, knowledge and re-creation.

Afterwards, he kowtowed to Hua Lixiao again as an apology to her.

When Chengde left, he didn't say a word.

(End of this chapter)

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