My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 706 Drive out of the Marshal's Mansion

Chapter 706 Drive out of the Marshal's Mansion

What the master decides will not change, and what he decides will not change.

Even if the master doesn't want him, he will silently follow the master, help him, and protect him.

Although the master doesn't need the protection of his low-level guards.

Hu Ziqi was too emotional, so Gu Qianchou kept her in a coma.

As for Gu Rui, his small body has been standing where he had been standing when he first appeared.

What happened today was too much of a blow for a five-year-old child.However, in the face of such separation of parents, he did not cry when he was little.

But the small figure looked so pitiful and bleak.

Gu Qianchou came to Gu Rui's side, knelt down slowly, and brought him into his arms.

"Rui'er, although Daddy and your mother are separated, you are Daddy's child, and Daddy will still love you as before. Do you understand?"

Gu Rui pursed his lips and nodded.

"Daddy is worried that you will follow mother, so you will follow daddy from now on, okay? Daddy can teach you very powerful martial arts and make you a man of indomitable spirit in the future."

Gu Rui looked at Gu Qianchou for a while, with hope in his eyes, but it slowly disappeared.Finally, he finally spoke: "But... from now on, my mother will only be alone. If Ruier leaves her again, no one will care about my mother."

Hua Lixiao, who had always thought this brat was annoying, suddenly had a high opinion of this kid at this moment.

In the case of being abandoned by his mother in this way, he still chose the mother who gave birth to him and gave him life, which is enough to show that this is a child who values ​​love and righteousness.

At such a young age, the character of that righteous Bo Yuntian has already begun to emerge.No matter how hateful and vicious Hu Ziqi is, Gu Rui has three views that are completely different from his mother's.And being able to make such a choice in such a short period of time, Hua Lixiao felt that it was really not easy for this child.

"But your mother treats you like this, aren't you afraid?"



"If Rui'er follows mother, will Daddy not want Rui'er in the future?"

Gu Qianchou hugged Gu Rui in his arms: "How come, you will always be Daddy's son."

With Gu Qianchou's guarantee, Gu Rui's expression improved.

"Then, Rui'er will stay by Mother's side and protect Mother from now on. Dad will be responsible for passing on the martial arts to Rui'er, okay?"

Gu Qianchou looked at Gu Rui with deep reluctance in his eyes.In the end, he rubbed his head, nodded and said, "Okay."

"Will Daddy be unhappy because of Rui'er's choice?"

"How could it be? My Rui'er has grown up and has her own thoughts. Daddy is too happy to be happy. How can he be unhappy? Ruier, you are with your mother, so you don't want your daddy anymore?" Gu Qianchou asked rhetorically.

"How could it be! Daddy is Rui'er's favorite and most admired person! He will always be!"

"That's it!" Gu Qianchou showed a beautiful and gentle smile and said: "In the future, Rui'er misses Daddy, so you can tell Uncle Chengde to bring you to find Daddy at any time, no matter where Daddy is, You can find Daddy immediately. When Daddy misses Ruier, he will come to see Ruier. Although we can't see each other every day, you will always be Daddy's good son."

In this way, amidst Gu Rui's reluctance and three-way back, Gu Qianchou finally became ruthless and drove Hu Ziqi out of the Marshal's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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