My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 707 She Is His Golden Finger

Chapter 707 She Is His Golden Finger

From now on, there will be no aunt Hu Ziqi in the Marshal's Mansion.

The huge Marshal's Mansion instantly fell silent.

Hua Lixiao stared at Gu Qianchou and asked, "What are you going to do next?"

"Move out of the Marshal's Mansion tomorrow, spend a few days of leisure and happiness, and then wait for Huangfu Gongchen to come to me with a military talisman."

Hua Lixiao nodded: "You just said, what do you mean by asking me to stay by your side for 3 years?"

Gu Qianchou's eyes dimmed slightly, and he said, "It's literally! You are the wife I, Gu Qianchou Mingmei, is marrying. How can you propose to leave before your husband divorces his wife?"

Hua Lixiao felt that this man really beeped the dog.

Clearly, when he went out today, he reminded her not to think of herself as the wife of the marshal's mansion. Why did it change before dawn?
From his tone, it seems that she is wrong?
"So, you must stay with me as a wife for 3 years. During these 3 years, you have to fulfill the obligations of a wife and you are not allowed to have any affair with other men. After 3 years, I will give you A divorce letter to let you go. From then on, it has nothing to do with each other."

"Why 3 years?"

"Hua Lixiao, at any rate, we are married in a serious way, and I, Gu Qianchou, am also the majestic Generalissimo of Xizhou. Did you feel wronged by letting you stay by my side for three years?"

"..." Hua Lixiao felt that she and this man were indeed quite friendly.I only said a few words, and then I blew up again.

Calming down her anger, Hua Lixiao asked, "I mean, what do you want to do to Huangfu Gongchen in these three years?"

Finally, Gu Qianchou's inexplicable anger dissipated, and he said, "In the next three years, I will take the position of Huangfu Gongchen and lead the entire Xizhou."


"And you, as my medicine, are not allowed to leave my side for half a step."


Hua Liming is depressed, so this man regards her as a stepping stone to supreme power?
She is his golden finger?

He actually has no interest in her feelings?

He kept her only because her body was a good medicine for his healing system?

Forget it, it seems that she misunderstood Gu Qianchou's expression.

Miss Hua, who never liked to take the initiative, just buried in her heart the strange feeling she had just raised towards Gu Qianchou.

At this moment, Gu Qianchou was watching Hua Lixiao, seeing her cold eyes, feeling a little sad in his heart.

Forget it, it was beyond his expectation that he could find someone to accompany him before he died, didn't he?

If he dies, he will definitely be wiped out and will not enter the Netherworld, so naturally he will not know what kind of man such a woman will live happily with for the rest of her life.


Although this woman has not been married for a long time, as long as she thinks that she will marry someone else after she dies, Gu Qianchou will have a lot of prehistoric power in his heart and want to vent it.

Feeling Gu Qianchou's low pressure, Hua Lixiao couldn't help asking: "Looking at you, you don't look like someone obsessed with imperial power, why did you want to take that position?

You clearly know that Emperor Qianzhong of Central Continent is behind Huangfu Gongchen. Even after Huangfu Gongchen dies, Emperor Qianzhong will never let Xizhou fall into the hands of others. Why are you willing to risk your own wealth and life? Want to kill Huangfu Gongchen?Kill him, can you sit still in that position? "

(End of this chapter)

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