Chapter 729

"Is it my fault for being good-looking and rich? Can you blame me? If you blame your subordinates for this matter, then your subordinates will be really wronged!"

Ye Chuchen: "..."

Oh yes!

The richest man called her brother-in-law the master!
The leader of Anbu told her that her brother-in-law is also the master!
This shows that her brother-in-law is the richest and most powerful one!

Ahhhh! ! ! !
When she saw the richest man, she forgot her last name, and even more so.

He glanced at brother-in-law's empty plate, and at Xiaotian'er's empty plate.

So what the hell did she do just now?

Just when Fei Yu was pitifully trying to place the plate in the middle of the plate that he hadn't moved his chopsticks to take a bite of, Miss Ye had already recovered, snatched the plate from Fei Yu's hand, and ran to Ling Before the sky, offer the plate full of pastries with both hands.

"Little Tianer, I was wrong. I forgot that women should be given priority. Hahahaha, look at me, because I saw my brother-in-law today, I am so happy and excited! Hahahaha... Well, dear brother-in-law, you Have some pastries, too!"

After all, Ye Dagouleg hurriedly put all kinds of delicious pastries on Feng Yun's plate.

It was only after finishing loading that he realized that he switched Feng Yun's plate and Ling Tian's plate.

"How can Xiao Tian'er eat Fei Yu's plate? Although Fei Yu hasn't moved, Xiao Tian'er still eats your plate. You eat Fei Yu's plate."

Feng Yun: "..."

As for the sister-in-law whose moral bottom line is a bottomless pit, Feng Yun decided not to haggle over every detail with her.

Feilong glanced at Feiyu, and couldn't help laughing.It felt like Fei Yu had never been so brutal in his life.

Compared with the attitude of this sister-in-law towards Fei Yu at this moment, it is really a boundless desert!

"Xiao Tian'er, eat the pastry slowly, and I want to take some blood from you and your brother-in-law for an experiment."

When Feng Yun heard that he wanted to take the blood of his little princess, he suddenly looked at Ye Chuchen: "Why do you want to take Xiao Tian'er's blood?"

"Because I suspect that it was Xiaotian'er's blood that saved you. The specifics will not be known until the experiment is done. Brother-in-law, don't worry, I have already ordered someone to cook porridge for raising blood, and I only take a little blood. Since Xiao Tian'er has already handed over her brother-in-law's illness to my younger sister, so I must earnestly and thoroughly clarify this matter."

"Okay, I'll take it for you now."

Finally, Miss Ye's integrity was saved by her professional skills.

After taking the blood of Ling Tian and Feng Yun, Miss Ye has been studying their blood to make up for her mistakes, diligent and hardworking.

"Come and see!"

After half an hour, Ye Chuchen's research finally came to fruition, and Ling Tian hurriedly pulled Feng Yun over.Feilong and Feiyu also immediately watched.

After all, this is a matter of life and death for their Patriarch.

Seeing that everyone was coming, Ye Chuchen said: "Before I didn't understand why the dead old man only refined 10 pills for brother-in-law. After all, if brother-in-law really can only rely on pills to maintain his life, it is impossible for him to give only 10 pills. A pill."

Ling Tian said: "So he actually only needs to take 10 pills, and after taking them, his body will recover automatically, right?"

The eyes of Feilong and Feiyu also lit up instantly.

"No." Ye Chuchen shook his head, got a little blood in the container under the microscope extracted from the space, and said, "Come and see."

(End of this chapter)

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