Chapter 730 Blood

Ling Tian immediately occupied the position first without hesitation.

Seeing Xiao Tian'er so nervous about his affairs, Feng Yun's heart felt warm.

"This is brother-in-law's blood. Xiaotian, can you see other substances contained in his blood cells?"

"These little black cells?"


"What are those black things?"

While Fengyun, Feilong and Feiyu were checking the blood, Ling Tian couldn't help asking.

"Your blood." Ye Chuchen replied.

"My... mine?"

Ling Tian was amazed.She has never given Feng Yun blood transfusion!


Ye Chuchen nodded, took out the blood under the microscope, and dripped two drops of blood into a new container.

"Little Tian'er, this is your blood."

This time, it was Feng Yun who took the lead. He wanted to see if it was because of him that Xiao Tian'er was also infected with the disease.

"Brother-in-law, have you seen some small silver cells in Xiao Tian'er's blood?"

I never knew blood could be analyzed and studied like this.

Feng Yun raised his head, nodded and said: "Her blood also contains my blood, will I hurt her?"

"I'll answer my brother-in-law's question later. Now, please look at another set of blood samples."

After all, Ye Chuchen quickly dripped Feng Yun's blood into the new sample again, and then fiddled with it.

"Okay, you guys have to watch this group first. I'll explain after reading."

Then Ling Tian, ​​Feng Yun, Fei Long and Fei Yu, who had already been mythologized, hurriedly looked at the third set of blood samples.

In that way, there is only pure blood inside, and the blood is restless, and the things surrounded by blood are directly broken by the blood.Soon, the blood cells corroded the surrounding things.

"Xiao Chen'er, what's going on?" Ling Tian couldn't help asking.

"I extracted your blood cells from your brother-in-law's blood. This part is the blood of your brother-in-law. Because this blood has the power of Nirvana Fire, it corrodes the things surrounding it. These corroded things are the meridians in the brother-in-law's body.

So even if brother-in-law doesn't use the secret technique, his blood will riot once every two years, corroding the meridians and causing hemorrhage.The old man's elixir repaired and protected his meridians again.Come on, let's take a look at this group of blood again. "

While Ling Tian and the others were observing, Ye Chuchen said, "This is the blood that brother-in-law who is mixed with Xiaotian'er's blood now has in his body. You can see that after the meridians outside are contained by this kind of blood, the meridians that were originally slightly curved, It's suddenly very flexible."

Under Ye Chuchen's introduction, everyone discovered that the blood with the fire of Nirvana is extremely restless and extremely corrosive.The blood that could not break free eventually corroded the vessel.Fortunately, this is only a very small amount of blood cells, otherwise it would definitely corrode a hole in the vessel.

"The corrosive power of his blood is so strong, will there be any problems in the future?" Ling Tian couldn't help asking.

"No way. Didn't you see it all? The outer wall surrounding the blood is the ordinary meridian wall. His blood contains the fire of Nirvana, so it is extremely restless, corrosive and incinerating. The meridian wall of ordinary people The strength couldn't stand against the corrosiveness in his blood.

But it's all right now, with your blood added, not only will his current blood not corrode the walls of the meridians, but it can make the walls of ordinary meridians instantly become extremely flexible. "

(End of this chapter)

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