My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 738 You Are Weak, Are You Reasonable? !

Chapter 738 You Are Weak, Are You Reasonable? !

Huangfu Gongchen: "..."

Hua Yukun: "..." I scold my own daughter for taking care of your ass!It's like a dog meddling with a mouse!

Hua Yukun felt really angry.

He didn't understand, when Beixuanmo came to Xizhou, he even gave such an expensive gift to hook him up, why did he dislike him so much?
Is it really because of Hua Lixiao?

You didn't marry him, so what's he doing there?
"Rui'er, are you sure you don't want to follow Daddy?"

Gu Qianchou looked at Gu Rui and asked again.

Gu Rui shook his head: "Daddy, Ruier wants to stay with mother, Ruier will miss Daddy."

Gu Qianchou nodded: "What Dad told you that day will always count."

"Yeah." Gu Rui nodded.

"Let's go."

Gu Qianchou took Hua Lixiao's hand naturally, and walked towards the flying beast side by side with her.

The two held hands, their incomparably harmonious and natural appearance deeply stimulated Hu Ziqi's heart.

She couldn't understand why Gu Qianchou, who hated the disgusting daughter of Huafu so much, fell in love with Hua Lixiao in such a short period of time.

Is it just because Hua Lixiao was poisoned that day that Gu Qianchou and her have a real husband and wife relationship?

Why was she so stupid, she didn't think of this for so many years and missed such a good opportunity?
"Husband! I was wrong! I really know I was wrong this time! Please forgive me this time and let me follow you! I don't need to be your aunt, you let me be a maid! The most humble maid! As long as you can take me with you!"

At first, Gu Qianchou felt soft-hearted when he heard Hu Ziqi say such things, but after several times, especially when she would rather sacrifice her own son's life for the chance to frame Hua Liming, he was completely disappointed in her. up.

Seeing the woman rushing to him, lying on the ground, holding his feet with both hands, and refusing to let go, Gu Qianchou said coldly: "I don't want to hear you say such words anymore, your words like this are already too much for me. useless.

Originally, I wanted to take Rui'er away, but he wanted to follow you desperately.He is a good boy and I hope you treat him well.After all, you are his mother. "

"I will. I will be nice to Rui'er! I was blinded by jealousy that day and did such a crazy thing, but you believe me, I really won't do this again. If If I do this again, I will definitely be killed by the thunderbolt."

"So now the trash fish without spiritual power are starting to swear by Lei Jie? But what to do? You are too scumbag, even Lei Jie doesn't bother to testify for a woman like you."

Hua Liming's words were extremely vicious, but Hu Ziqi accepted it submissively: "Yes, madam taught me a lesson! I'm a scum, I didn't do well, and I will definitely correct it. I beg madam to intercede for me!

Ma'am, you are not only more beautiful than my concubine, but also noble and powerful.Now you have received the love of Qianchou.You have everything. Could it be that you can't tolerate even a concubine following her husband and being the most humble maidservant? "

"Is it reasonable for you to be weak? I should tolerate you because you come from a humble background? I should help you create opportunities for you to get close to my man, and then create opportunities for you to frame me? Do you think you are smart enough to be with me?" Are you standing shoulder to shoulder with the sun in the sky, or do you think I'm so stupid that I can't wait to go to hell?"

 Congratulations to the flirtatious master on the 2nd floor, the sexiness on the 17th floor is not sao, and the evening star in the night sky on the 27th floor won the prize.Congratulations to the three babies who won the lottery, Q will not announce it, the three are old readers, and the other two are administrators, I am tired of it!

(End of this chapter)

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