My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 739 Promise to accompany me for 3 years!

Chapter 739 Promise to accompany me for three years!
"well said!"

"To deal with this kind of woman who can kill her own son cruelly, she should be trampled to death!"

"Yes! Otherwise, cutting the grass will not remove the roots, and the spring breeze will regenerate!"

This time, almost all the common people sided with Hua Lixiao, and Hu Ziqi was so angry that she cursed.

"What do you know? You don't understand anything. Why do you say that about me? I am Qianchou's savior. Without me, he would have died a long time ago! But I lost everything for him! How can he do it for a woman now? Just abandon me? Even if there is no love, there is kindness and family affection, not to mention that we have a common child who needs to grow up in a complete family in order to be healthy physically and mentally in the future, why can't I ask him to continue to take me in?"

Just as Hu Ziqi was swearing at the shrew, Gu Qianchou had already left with Hua Lixiao.

Because Hu Ziqi blocked the way, Gu Qianchou didn't even get in the flying beast car, and flew away directly.

When Hu Ziqi finished swearing at the shrew, she turned around and was about to continue hugging Gu Qianchou's feet, but when she refused to let him leave even if she died, she found that Gu Qianchou had already flown into the air.

"Qianqiu! Qianqiu! Qianqiu, don't go! Please take me with you! I really know I was wrong!"

"Qianqiu, how can you be so cruel, saying that you abandon our mother and child? Have you forgotten that I saved you back then? Have you forgotten that you once said that you will never forget my life-saving grace? ? How could you do this? Wuwuwu... Qianchou, come back!"

However, no matter how miserable Hu Ziqi was crying, Gu Qianchou never paid her any attention or even gave her a look from the beginning to the end.

And Hu Ziqi also had no way to walk in the air, so she could only lie on the ground and cry bitterly.

Gu Qianchou took Hua Lixiao's hand and flew a long way.

After confirming that Huangfu Gongchen and the others were not following, Hua Lixiao pulled her hand out of Gu Qianchou's cold hand.

Gu Qianchou's body froze slightly in the air, his eyes dimmed slightly as he watched Hua Lixiao, and continued to fly with Hua Lixiao.

However, less than 10 seconds after flying out, the fisted hand held Hua Lixiao's hand again.

Hua Lixiao: "..."

After struggling silently for a long time, Hua Lixiao found that Gu Qianchou's hand holding her was getting tighter and tighter.

"Gu Qianchou, I just agreed to cooperate with you in acting. Don't make a fake show. It's impossible for me and you."

Hua Lixiao's words made Gu Qianchou feel depressed for a while.

Although he did not like Hua Lixiao before, but after experiencing so many things together in the past few days, if he does not realize that he has fallen in love with this woman who is colder than him, then his life will be in vain .

The first time I fell in love with a woman, but the other party had no feelings for him.

And even though she was married to him and had been married several times, she still had no feelings for him.

At this moment, Gu Qianchou's heart collapsed a little.

Originally thought that with Gu Qianchou's indifference and aloofness, he would definitely shake off her hand at this moment, but who knows that the other party not only did not shake off, but held it even tighter.

"You promised me that you would stay with me for three years!"

Hua Lixiao was speechless: "When did I agree?

Hua Liming's question was so depressing that Gu Qianchou's heart twitched, and he looked at Hua Liming with a cheated expression: "You asked me to let you go that night, but I didn't make a request, and did you agree?"

(End of this chapter)

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