My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 768 Fucked the leader's chapter

Chapter 768

Yueyao, a coquettish slut, came to the God Cult to make trouble, and even arranged for himself a fake identity!

Shame on the door!
What a fool to choose this name as his sect!

"Cassia, why are you so fierce? This is my young master's good friend! Try to be so fierce to her!"

"Determining the leader, she just smiled, you don't need to be so fierce to her, right?" Feng Yun became unhappy when he heard that a leader of a god religion dared to kill his little Tian'er.

Hierarch: "..."

What did he do?

He didn't do anything?
How could it be said by two big bosses who can't be offended?

"Yes, yes, yes! You can laugh whenever you like, casually, hehe, casually!"

All the disciples: "..." What about your integrity, Master?

"Master, what about my mimosa?" The owner of Xuanqing Peak still asked unwillingly.

"Isn't there still 1000 mimosa plants? Mr. Yue didn't finish burning them for you. Besides, the leader saw that the mimosa plants had just caught fire, and a rain came to save them. Those who couldn't die, at most Wait another 100 years, and you will be familiar again."

The owner of Xuanqing Peak: "...!!!"

"Since Mr. Yue's troubles can be counted, then he robbed all the mimosa in our hands, does it mean that our assessment results can also be counted?"

Meng Kui wanted to become a disciple of the divine religion too much, and there was nothing to do with him, but now that he was being troubled like this, he saw hope again.

The leader of the divine religion hesitated for a moment and said: "There has been a mistake in this selection, so there is no need to bother too much. Now, everyone will fly off the ground with the leader."

5000 candidates flew into the air one after another, and the candidates who didn't know what to test next felt a strong mental pressure overwhelming.

Some unprepared candidates were directly shocked and fell to the ground, their faces were pale, and they couldn't recover for a long time.

But they all know that they have been eliminated.

The rest of the candidates gritted their teeth and struggled to support themselves.

In the Hunyuan Continent, there is no method for cultivating the soul, and almost everyone's soul and strength are synchronized.Except for monsters.

The reason why monsters are the darlings of the heavens is because monsters are born with the power of the soul that is stronger than the body.

So the leader is not at all worried that Yueyao will be brushed down due to the suppression of mental power.

As the suppression of mental power strengthened, more and more people fell from the sky.

Even if the rest of them persevered, they worked very hard.

Standing in the air in the first row, Ling Tian watched the green spiritual power emanating from the leader of the Divine Cult, and then people kept falling down.

But why can't she feel the suppression from spiritual power at all?

She could feel it before?
Ling Tian transferred his mental power into his body, and explored the changes in every place in his body.Then she discovered a very miraculous and gratifying thing.

It's not that she can't feel the other party's mental power suppression, but when the other party's mental power suppression appears around her body, the "Soul Restoration Technique" that she bought with [-] points before starts to operate automatically, and the mental power imposed by the other party At the same time as the force suppression was removed, it was transformed into spiritual power supply and replenished into her body.

However, the leader of the God Sect is only a high-level warrior of the Green Spirit Sage, and the coercion emanating from him is only aimed at the first and second-level warriors of the Orange Spirit King, so Ling Tian will not be able to feel it.

(End of this chapter)

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