My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 769 He Yawns at Me!

Chapter 769 He Yawns at Me!

A quarter of an hour passed, and more than half of the candidates had already been dismissed. At this moment, the pressure exerted by the leader began to attack the second-level fighters of the Orange Spirit King.

This increase in power is irrelevant to Ling Tian.

I really hope that he can increase the coercion of mental power!
As the second-level coercion became heavier, fewer and fewer people remained persistent in the air.

"Xiaoyu, can you hold on?" Lingtian Miyin asked Wang Xiaoyu who was standing in the same row as her.

"Don't worry, my lord. I have the power of water and spirit to support me. I will definitely be able to support it longer than other people. This coercion is not a threat to me at all."

"That's good."

The ones that stand up to the back are pretty amazing, but Ling Tian, ​​who has been floating in the air for nearly 20 minutes, feels so bored.

Turning around, Ling Tian found that the candidate behind him was Meng Kui, and at the moment he was struggling to support himself.

His complexion was flushed, his veins burst out, and it felt like his meridians would be broken in the next moment.

Meng Kui also noticed Ling Tian.

Seeing Ling Tian's unchanging expression, Meng Kui was extremely envious and jealous.She didn't understand why she could still keep her face under such high-intensity mental pressure.

Meng Kui felt that in order to support this coercion, he almost gnawed the roots of his teeth.

But he cannot be eliminated!

Everyone in the family looked down on him, so he must join the divine religion to slap those people in the face!So he must persist!

As candidates fell down one by one, there were fewer and fewer people left.

An outer disciple who looked similar to Meng Kui saw that Meng Kui's spiritual power had reached its limit, and immediately announced: "There is still one more elimination quota. As long as one more person is eliminated, the remaining 500 people will become gods." official disciple!"

Meng Kui, who had almost collapsed, felt a little more strength after hearing what his cousin said.

There is one last person!As long as one person falls, he wins!
He will definitely be able to usher in his own brilliant life!
Just when Meng Kui felt that he was going to win, Ling Tian, ​​who was bored to a certain extent, yawned a big at him.

Meng Kui was furious.

Oh shit!

Lao Tzu is struggling to hold on here, and his life is almost half gone.You're so lucky to be yawning boredly here!

But it was this burst of rage that directly used up Meng Kui's last sliver of mental strength.

When Meng Kui reacted, the coercion from the leader had already poured down from his head, like a thunderbolt, making him unable to resist anymore.


Meng Kui let out a terrible cry, and then fell to the ground.

The moment he landed, the coercion from the leader disappeared instantly. The 500 examinees bent over to pant in the air as if they had been reborn, not daring to land at all.

After all, the ground is full of eliminated ones, what if they get mixed up and cannot be separated?
"Master, he killed me! He killed me!"

Meng Kui got up from the ground, knelt down, kowtowed three times to the leader, and angrily reprimanded Ling Tian.

Ling Tian was stunned.

What's the matter with her?Why are there always mentally retarded people who want to harm this baby?
"He harmed you? What did he harm you? My leader is watching here. Do you mean that my leader is blind?"

"No, he didn't attack me, but she yawned at me."


"You can't burn the mimosa, and you can't even yawn? But you didn't say that you can't yawn during the assessment." Ling Tian felt that he was wronged.

 Congratulations to the Nuangang girl on the 2nd floor, Ribs Superman on the 17th floor, and Gexi Ruomeng on the 27th floor, please add me to Q2755579223, welcome to the subscription group 446859562
(End of this chapter)

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