My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 770 Xiaoge has taken a fancy to me!

Chapter 770 Xiaoge has taken a fancy to me!

The candidates who were hanging in the air burst into laughter when they heard Meng Kui's accusation, and looked at Meng Kui as if they were looking at a mentally handicapped person.

"Then who wants you to watch her yawn? People can still yawn in the face of coercion, but you can't even resist other people's yawns in the face of coercion, and you still have the face to complain!"

After the leader's voice fell, everyone burst into laughter again.

Under the ridicule of everyone, Meng Kui left the divine religion with anger, resentment and resignation.

His two partners, Shen Yexi and the examinee surnamed Zhao, although they are only warriors at the first level of the Orange Spirit King, those who have accumulated more good deeds will have stronger mental power.So Meng Kui was eliminated, but Shen Yexi and candidates surnamed Zhao stayed and entered the divine religion as they wished.

"Welcome everyone to become a member of the Divine Cult. From now on, you are the outer disciples of the Divine Cult.

The Divine Sect is divided into four peaks, namely Xuantian Peak, Xuanshu Peak, Xuanling Peak and Xuanqing Peak.Xuantian Peak is the place to train warriors, Xuanshu Peak is the place responsible for cultivating weapon refiners, Xuanling Peak is the place to train Taoist and inscription masters, and Xuanqing Peak is the place to train alchemists.

New disciples can choose the mountain you want to enter according to your own advantages.Once entered, it cannot be changed.From now on, you and your mountain will both prosper and lose.

The divine religion will not have too many rules to bind you, but there is one thing, it is not allowed to kill people in the religion, and it is not allowed to harm fellow disciples!All those who cause injury and death will be punished with the most severe punishment.

If there is really a life-and-death enmity between you, there is a life-and-death stage over the Divine Sect Yanwu Stage, as long as you sign the life-and-death battle agreement and get on the life-and-death stage, life and death can be ignored.

For the rest, each mountain has a class schedule, and you can choose to go up or not.But every year there will be internal competitions within the teaching staff.

Excellent disciples who have reached the level of the Holy Spirit can enter the inner sect, get better training resources, and even become the direct disciples of the masters, deputy masters, and elders of the major peaks.And the disciples who rank lower in the competition will be eliminated.

Now, please choose the mountain you will be staying at. "

To be honest, the rules of the religion are very loose, there is no requirement that you have to attend classes, so you can arrange your time freely.

"Xiaoge, which peak are you going to go to?"

"You are not allowed to study with him at the same peak."

Just when Ling Tian was about to answer Yue Yao, Feng Yun's voice came to Ling Tian's mind domineeringly.

"Um... just studying together. I just treat him as a buddy." Ling Tian Miyin transmitted his voice to the Phoenix who was drowned by jealousy in his previous life.

"You treat him as a buddy, but this vixen wants to seduce you all the time!"

"...o(╯□╰)o" is there still a male vixen? !

"And you promised to only look at me and not other men. How can you say nothing, Xiaotian'er?"

Speaking of the latter, Suan Fenghuang's voice was obviously a little angry.


Looking at someone standing next to the leader of the God Cult with a cold face, but in fact he was so immature as to die, Ling Tian raised his forehead.

Can you stop embarrassing her like this?
"Recovered." Yue Yao waved his hand in front of Ling Tian, ​​and said shyly, "Xiao Ge, you are not bewitched by my beauty, are you?"

When Ling Tian communicated with Feng Yun Miyin, she was talking to Yueyao, so she kept looking at Yueyao.

(End of this chapter)

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