My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 777 Am I old?

Chapter 777 Am I old?

"Hmph. I'm a Phoenix. I can't see the mentally retarded beasts like me, but I can see the bodies of all other monsters."

"Have you ever seen a flying dragon?"

"Not yet. What?"

"Before, Feilong told me that the two guards around Yueyao were at the spirit level. Do you think he is a high-level monster from the first-class forces in Beizhou mainland? He is not bad, should we form an alliance with him?"

After all, the enemy they will face in the future is the most powerful and unshakable existence on this continent.One more ally and one less wall!
"He is a nine-tailed fox." Feng Yun said.

"Nine tails..."

Thinking of Feng Yun and Yu Hun turning into a nine-tailed fox and a hydra that day, Ling Tian widened his eyes and said, "You said before that only the Great Emperor Beizhou and the Hunyuan Continent Beizhou Zhennan King, one is a nine-tailed fox and the other is a hydra. Could it be that the emperor of Beizhou???"

"How could that retarded man be the Great Emperor Beizhou! The Great Emperor Beizhou is his mother!"

My dear! ! !

Her luck is against the sky!
You can become friends with the Crown Prince of Beizhou Continent if you just eat a meal!
"Is Emperor Beizhou a woman?" Ling Tian disagreed.

"Well. She is the only female among the Great Emperors of the Five Continents. But what she loved back then was the godfather! So there is no need to form an alliance with that mentally handicapped, as long as the Great Emperor Yao Yuanshuang of Beizhou knows that you are still alive, and that the godfather and godmother are in fact Di Qianzhong was killed, and with her affection for her godfather, she will stand by your side without hesitation."

Ling Tian: "...!!!"

This Misin is so explosive!
"It seems that Emperor Beizhou has protected her son very well. It has been 20 years, and no one knows that her little fox is also a nine-tailed fox."

Seeing that Ling Tian was in a daze, Feng Yun immediately changed his style and asked, "Does Xiao Tianer think he is good-looking?"

After hearing the gossip, Ling Tian was in a daze, but when he heard this question suddenly, he nodded without even turning his stomach.

"looks good."

"Nice people, right?"

Hearing Ling Tian's answer, Feng Yun's eyes narrowed dangerously, and he looked like a big bad wolf that wanted to eat the little white rabbit.

"Well, not bad, others..."

The upright Ling Tian was about to say that Yue Yao was very good, but when she met Feng Yun's dangerous eyes, all the foolishness faded away.

"No, no, no, no! At least I don't like it! Hehehe!"

Emma, ​​even pried her truth when she was not paying attention.

I am so surprised!
Scheming Phoenix!

However, Xiao Tian'er has already said what she said, and she has changed so dishonestly, can a certain Tsundere Phoenix let her go?
The answer is definitely impossible!

The next moment, Ling Tian felt a burst of dark clouds covering the top, and his whole body was covered by Feng Yun's tall body.

Ling Tian retreated instinctively, but a big hand covered her waist, making it impossible for her to retreat.

"Brother—" Ling Tian acted coquettishly and cutely.

"Little Tianer."

"Huh?" Facing the dangerous Phoenix, Ling Tian's whole mind tensed up.

"In your heart, is it me or that coquettish fox who is prettier?"

"Is this comparable? In my heart, no one can compare to my brother! My brother is the most beautiful man in the world!" Ling Tian said so sincerely that he almost swore to the sky.

" you think I'm old?"

(End of this chapter)

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