Chapter 778
Why do you have to compete with this childish ghost because of the loudness of your voice?
"I'm going to the valley to find a room!"

"What are you looking for? Just go directly to challenge whichever one you like. If you really don't like it, you can sleep in the honorary teacher's bedroom."

After all, another battle between heaven and man began.

When the next battle was over, Ling Tian was already paralyzed on the ground.

She looked at Feng Yun angrily, she had already been eaten anyway, there was a problem, she had to get it right with him.

"Now the truth is clear, right? Who's screaming louder?"

Feng Yun looked at Ling Tian with a cute face: "Could it not be you?"


Really angry, aren't you?
How could there be such a shameless person in the world?

"Feng, Yun!!!" He couldn't take it anymore, Ling Tian didn't want to call him brother anymore.

There is no such shameless brother in the world!
Not only did he eat up his sister, but he even took advantage of his mouth.She decided not to recognize him as a brother!

"Xiao Tian'er, how can I call my brother by his name directly? No, polite, good-looking!"


"If you really want to call me by my brother's name, you can call me Brother Yun, okay? Brother Yun sounds pretty nice too!"

"I, no, yes!" Hmph!She wants to take advantage of anything, so she won't do it!
"Little Tian'er, let's be reasonable, don't mess around with your petty temper. It's obvious that you yelled louder!"

"...Your ears are stuffed with earwax?"

"No! Otherwise, how could I hear you screaming so loudly!"

"Hehe." Ling Tian didn't want to talk to him anymore.Really angry.

Seeing that Ling Tian was angry, Feng Yun said with a good attitude: "Hey, how about it, let's do it again, this time, both of us must listen clearly, okay?"

"..." Ling Tian looked at Feng Yun with contempt, and said with disgust, "You want to trick me again! Do you think I'm stupid? Hmph!"

"Whether it's routine or not, I'm telling the truth, and it's clear that you are the louder."

"Feng, Yun!!!"

"Brother Yun!"

"Think beautifully!"

Feng Yun's eyes narrowed dangerously: "Calling Mo Chengtian is all about brother Chengtian, why can't you call me brother Yun? Do you still think about him?"

"...!!!" Ling Tian was completely speechless.

"How long has it been, and you still talk about it! Are you going to tell me this meme for the rest of your life?"

"Then I don't care! Who told you to treat him better? Be more gentle?"

"Feng Yun, let's reason!"

"Who is reasoning with you? Facts speak louder than words!"

"I'm not good enough for you? Not good enough for you?"

"But you call him Brother Chengtian, but you don't call me Brother Yun."

"It makes me feel nauseous to call you that!"

"Oh, you won't feel nasty when you call someone else? Punish! You must be punished!"

After all, Feng Yun bullied himself and ate Xiao Tian'er for the third time.

After three rounds of field battles, Ling Tian was so tired that he didn't even want to lift his fingers.

She lay on the lawn, staring straight at the sky, thinking about why she would be eaten so thoroughly.

For the first time, because he pretended to be pitiful and acted like a baby, she felt sorry for him.

The second time, because he wanted to ask her for confirmation, he competed to see who yelled louder.

The third time because she called someone else's brother and didn't call him, so he beat the king hard.

In the end, seeing the completely unconcealable smile deep in Feng Yun's eyes, Ling Tian felt that he had been completely tricked.

Tsk tsk, this scheming!

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(End of this chapter)

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