My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 786 Jade Soul Fainted

Chapter 786 Jade Soul Fainted

In fact, it was very painful, but Ye Chuchen also knew that he didn't mean it, so he waved his hand grandly: "I'm fine. What's wrong with you? Why are you wrong when you see Xiaobai?"

"I don't heart hurts! My head hurts too!"

Yuhun said aggrievedly, and then spat out a big mouthful of blood with a "poof".

Immediately afterwards, Yuhun hugged Ye Chuchen's body and fell to the ground without even being able to support it.

However, in order to prevent Ye Chuchen from falling, the moment Yuhun fell to the ground, he turned his body slightly and fell to the ground by himself, letting Ye Chuchen fall into his arms.

"Jade Soul!"

Ye Chuchen's complexion instantly became serious.

Although Ye Chuchen refused to accept this stupid dragon.

But during this period of time together, this stupid dragon has defended her everywhere, thinking of her immediately when there is anything good, warming her bed when she sleeps, and saying that it took seven days to work on her five girls once, and he would Really obediently do nothing, just let her sleep in his arms.

Apart from being mentally retarded and poor, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he is a caring little padded jacket.

So at this moment, when seeing Yuhun in such pain, Ye Chuchen's heart still inexplicably tugged.

"You mentally retarded, you are in such pain, what are you doing holding me all the time? Let me down!"

However, Yuhun did not let her go, but hugged her even tighter.

"Xiao Chen'er, you can't leave me! Never ever!"

After finishing speaking, Jade Soul spat out another mouthful of blood, and then passed out.

"Jade Soul!"

Ye Chuchen wanted to get up from his arms, but he hugged her so tightly that she couldn't break free.

It was Yaoyue and Lingtian who helped Ye Chuchen break free from Yuhun's arms.

The moment he picked up Princess Jade Soul and entered the room, cutting off the sight of the divine disciples outside, Jade Soul, unable to maintain his femininity, instantly turned into a slender, magnificent beauty.

"He he he... he turned out to be a man!"

And as a top monster, he didn't see it just now! !
Yaoyue followed behind, feeling that her self-esteem had been hit by [-] points.

"Xiao Bai, what did you do? Why did he suddenly vomit blood and pass out after seeing you?" Ling Tian looked at the instigator, Xiao Bai, with a dazed expression on his face.

However, Xiaobai is more at a loss than Lingtian at this moment.The little round eyes, which were as beautiful as black grapes, blinked for a while, and said in a boyish voice, "I don't know either! How strange!"

Ling Tian: "..."

Ye Chuchen: "..."

Yaoyue: "Damn it! How can you speak when you are not yet at the level of Huang Lingsheng? You, you, you... you little monster, are you trying to defy the sky?"

Ye Chuchen hurriedly felt the pulse of Yuhun, trying to check his body.

However, Ye Chuchen couldn't feel the pulse of Jade Soul.

Ye Chuchen frowned slightly, and took out her silver needle again.

But when the silver needle touched Yuhun's white skin like jade, it couldn't pierce it no matter what.

Even if Ye Chuchen used his spiritual power, he still couldn't penetrate.

In the end, the silver needles were all broken, but they still couldn't penetrate Jade Soul's skin.

"Why is his skin so hard?"

"what happened?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded, and Feng Yun appeared in the room in an instant.

"Brother, after seeing Xiaobai, Yuhun suddenly fainted and vomited blood, but Xiaochen'er's silver needle couldn't go in, so he couldn't diagnose him."

(End of this chapter)

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