Chapter 787
"Normal. His body is extremely hard. You are too weak to pierce the silver needle into his skin."

After finishing speaking, Feng Yun walked to the edge of the bed, looked at Yuhun who was still in pain in a coma, and said: "Sister-in-law, come and point out the acupuncture points for me, and I will help you insert the silver needle."

Hearing the words "sister-in-law", Ye Chuchen immediately reflexively looked at Yaoyue vigilantly.Yaoyue's face looked hurt.

"I will not betray Xiao Ge's friends!"

Feng Yun also said to Ye Chuchen: "Even if he wants to betray, there is nothing he can do, because he is a top-level monster, and he can see through your real bodies immediately."

"But I won't betray my friends. Uncle, who do you think I am?"

"A brat who hasn't grown up, is unreliable, and is not trustworthy!"


"Oh, it's all right, let's see a doctor for Jade Soul." Ling Tian hurriedly persuaded Feng Yun and Yaoyue to leave.

Sometimes Ling Tian really doesn't know if Phoenix is ​​an upgraded version of fighting cock, but the name sounds better.

Under Ye Chuchen's hand-in-hand guidance, Feng Yun inserted the silver needles one by one into each of Jade Soul's acupuncture points.

After all, this is Qinglong.It was one of the divine beasts who came to the Hunyuan Continent with his father and guarded the continent with his own life.

Although he is completely stupid now, it will not affect the sacredness of the legendary Qinglong in his heart at all.

If it is a general examination for people, only 49 needles are enough for Ye Chuchen.

But this stupid dragon is different.

The stupid dragon is hers.

No matter how much she disliked her on weekdays, Miss Ye had already included him in her category.

So for the examination of Yuhun, Ye Chuchen, the genius doctor, used 490 silver needles for the first time.

Each silver needle has a silk thread as thin as a cicada's wing.

Ye Chuchen held 490 silk threads like this, and checked all the parts of Jade Soul.

"How is he?" Feng Yun asked with concern.

Ye Chuchen looked at Xiao Bai who was squatting at his feet with a cute face and wagging his tail, and asked, "Do you know Jade Soul?"

Xiaobai blinked his eyes: "I don't know."

"I don't know? I don't know why he was so excited that he vomited blood and passed out after seeing you?"

Seeing Ye Chuchen's ferocious appearance, Xiao Bai looked at Ling Tian aggrievedly, and said in a boyish voice, "Sister, I really don't know him."

"Sister believes in you!"

Ling Tian knelt down and hugged Xiaobai into his arms, and said to Ye Chuchen, "I picked up Xiaobai when he was still a little milk beast, and he followed me all the way, I am with him every day, he I really don’t know Jade Soul.”

"Even if he doesn't know Jade Soul, Jade Soul should know it, or think of something through it. Otherwise, he won't be so excited and cause old injuries. But the biggest possibility is that they knew each other before, just a little Bai didn't tell you the truth."

After all, Ye Chuchen stared at Xiaobai seriously and asked: "Xiaobai, children are not allowed to lie, are you really not lying?"

Ye Chuchen is a super protective person.

Now that she has confirmed that the stupid dragon belongs to her, she can't let him be bullied.

What's more, only she knows the extent of the injuries in this stupid dragon's body.And this injury was clearly caused by Xiaobai, the instigator.

So when he was depressed, if he got upset, he would kill Xiaobai.

(End of this chapter)

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