My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 800 The body shape does not match...

Chapter 800 The body shape does not match...

Everyone could only see the black panther's sleek fur flying in the air. In the blink of an eye, before the air wave completely spread, the black panther had turned into a fleshy leopard, with only one or two sporadic black fur all over its body. The roots are still stuck to him.

The black panther's eyes widened, and he looked down at his private parts.

I saw a jj that didn't match the body size limply falling there, Xiaobai was taken aback, and the other couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing loudly.

The black panther was furious and was about to slap him, but Xiaobai glared at him.Only then did the black panther's eyes bulge once again, and only then did he feel the unusual coercion on Xiaobai's body.


The black panther's slap did not fall, but Xiaobai's slap landed on the black panther's head.

Now, the black panther, who was extremely arrogant and furious a moment ago, has become more docile than a cat at this moment.

Glancing at the master's back as he attacked the enemy, he gave him a self-seeking look.

Lu Yunhao's back was facing the Panther, so he couldn't see what was going on behind him.However, seeing the wide-eyed and surprised expression of the disciples of the God Cult who were watching, a playful smile rose from the corner of Lu Yunhao's lips.

Facing a little spirit beast that was only one-tenth the size of his black panther, he would never think that the black panther would lose.

"Let you see the fate of provoking my White Tiger Empire!"

Lu Yunhao yelled, and flew to Ling Tian's side. Seeing that the sword energy with orange spiritual power was approaching Ling Tian, ​​it was about to sink into her lungs. Although she couldn't die, she would definitely be seriously injured.

Unexpectedly, Ling seemed to have no time to dodge, or was locked by a higher level of spiritual power, standing motionless, waiting for him to attack.

Lu Yunhao, who was already victorious, mercilessly pushed the sword energy into Ling Tian's body.

However, the next moment, Ling Tian's originally solid figure turned into an illusion the moment the sword energy submerged.

Seeing this, Lu Yunhao's complexion suddenly changed, and he quickly changed his stab to a 360-degree sweep, trying to sweep away any possible threats from behind.

At this moment, he occupies a high position and has a unique advantage over his opponent.

But the moment he turned around, the surrounding gravity suddenly changed.He was originally more than three meters away from the ground, but after being subjected to this gravity, his figure instantly dropped to 1.5 meters.

The uncontrollable fall of his figure made Lu Yunhao's heart thump, and a bad premonition came.

At this moment, Ling Tian, ​​who was motionless, suddenly moved.

While using "Lingbo Weibu" to move her figure away instantly, Miss Ling also activated the "Spiritual Dragon Jue" and "Mad Dragon Jue" in "Shenlong Zhanjue".

When his figure quickly and flexibly dodged behind Lu Yunhao at an incredible angle, he quickly lowered Lu Yunhao's figure with the crazy dragon determination method superimposed by gravity.

I can't reach 3 meters, and I'm not as tall as 1.5 meters, so I can reach it!

The moment Lu Yunhao's body dropped, Ling Tian's figure suddenly appeared, hardly needing any moves, Miss Ling swung her pink fist, and smashed it towards Lu Yunhao's back with a fancy fist and embroidered legs.

In the eyes of the onlookers, this punch was just a trick, but only Lu Yunhao could feel the sourness of it.

Grass Ni, Mabi!
Is this man a severed hand?

Why does beating hurt so much?
"Bang bang bang bang-"

(End of this chapter)

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